
Well Known Member
I was at the Zaon booth today and they had their best model, the one that shows the direction of the traffic as well as range and relative altitude, talking to a '396. It's just a one-wire serial connection if your 2/3/496 power cord is hard wired to the airplane like mine. They also said they were ready to do the same with the GRT. This would mean the receiver does not have to be on the glare shield and of course it is a much superior way of presenting the traffic data. I may break down and buy one. I thought the rest of you would be interested in this development.
Small correction

The Zaon XRX will NOT talk to the G-296. Only the 396 or 496. I'm working with them on beta-testing the new XRXi system including their dedicated display which fits a standard 3 1/8' instrument hole.
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Thanks and a question

Mel, thanks for the correction.
Where do you think would be the best location to mount the receiver in a 7A with TU canopy? Assuming of course, I'd prefer to leave the glarshield no more cluttered than already.
First, Let's make sure we are talking on the same page. If you are talking about the present XRX unit, even though it will talk to the GPS, the unit still must be mounted on the glare shield because the antennas are within the unit. The new XRXi system has a separate external antenna and can be mounted elsewhere.
With the XRXi system, we are mounting mine just behind the baggage bulkhead with the antenna mounted on the belly approximately 1/2 way between the wing and the horizontal stab.
The XRXi system probably won't be available until around the end of the year. We are just beginning testing.

Please keep us posted. I am presently making allowances for traffic, but am avoiding the Garmin alternatives due to cost and weight. TCAS is nice, but @ the current costs are out of reach for my RV (IFR Rv 7).


RV 7, somewhere between finishing and FWF
I'll keep you posted as much as I can. It's not my place to post any details of the testing. That will have to come from Zaon. All I can say is that ZAne and JasON are a great couple of guys to work with.
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Mel said:
First, Let's make sure we are talking on the same page. If you are talking about the present XRX unit, even though it will talk to the GPS, the unit still must be mounted on the glare shield because the antennas are within the unit. The new XRXi system has a separate external antenna and can be mounted elsewhere.
With the XRXi system, we are mounting mine just behind the baggage bulkhead with the antenna mounted on the belly approximately 1/2 way between the wing and the horizontal stab.
The XRXi system probably won't be available until around the end of the year. We are just beginning testing.
We are on the same page. I wondered if I could mount the XRX off one side of the rollbar brace, for example. It seems no matter where it is some part of the airplane is going to block some directions from its view. What about mounting it under the glareshield and letting the antenna part stick up and through?