
Active Member
Ok, I goofed up and need an opinion from someone that's been there done that. I started drilling my Z brackets and missread the instructions. Instead of having one 1/8" hole in the center of one flange, I have one #12 hole. This is the flange that attaches to the tank baffle and requires the AN470AD4-5 rivets. Since I have just the one #12 hole in the center at this point, I'm thinking about using an AN470AD6-5 rivet to fill that spot and the normal rivets for the other 4 holes in each bracket. The other flange that attaches to the spar has all the nutplates installed already. My other option is to order new Z brackets and start over. Thanks in advance for any wisdom the readers might share
N676KM reserved
You can't use the AN470's in the middle

The instructions are really bad in this area for sure! You can only use the AN470's on the end z-brackets. the ones in the middle use "pop" rivets.
These are "special" pop rivets that have a solid "tail". The solid tail helps to keep it from leaking as there is no hole. The numbers are AD-41H I think, going from memory here. So, you're going to need larger rivets of this same type or order new Z-brackets and start over. Unless someone else comes up with a better idea.

Check out Dan Checkoways site
I did mine sort of like he did his. You don't drill the 1/8" holes until later this way. worked good.

If you have only drilled the brackets and not the tank baffles, why don't you just put a "scab" patch over the hole with a 1/8" hole in the scab? Your going to pookie everything with proseal anyway. Maybe I don't understand the situation exactly.
Confession time....
I mistakenly used the AD-42H (long) pop rivets, instead of the -470s, on the outer Z brackets on my left -9 tank. Before ordering additional -42H, I asked Vans what my options were. From memory: 1. I don't have to replace the 42Hs with 470s in the end brackets. 2. I could use regular open pop rivets on the Z brackets as they're covered with Pro-Seal. Not really recommended but I wouldn't be breaking new ground.
