
Well Known Member
I just got a recommendation from the Youtube AI about a series videos of building a Vans RV8. I am not sure of the date, maybe in the early 2000?

This is the link to the Part3 of the series. This episode shows the building the wing bottom skin. This is probably helpful for those who will be doing this step in their RVs. Click on the Youtube channel and it will have more videos. The latest episode is Part8. Good content and good narration.
Also picked up on these in the past week. The vinyl on those parts is clear, predates the blue’ing machine!

Some really good tool tips in those videos.
This is awesome! Thanks. They are still uploading the rest of the episodes. This is what got me interested in building when I was a kid. And an RV-8 at that. Now my empennage is done and I'm waiting on my wings. Cool getting to re-watch.
I actually looked into possibly buying that airplane. It was sold immediately upon completion of filming according to a person I talked to that was involved with the production. It had cooling issues from the get go and apparently it was never resolved as the current (then) owner told me that "it would start to get hot if you stayed in the pattern." It was eventually sold. Unfortunately, a short time later, it was destroyed in a landing accident which occurred during the new owner's "checkout" with a CFI. It's a shame. The airplane had great bones and could have been made into a really nice airplane.
I wished the videos were on YouTube before I started my build almost 4 years ago. It would have helped me tremendously seeing someone working on the parts instead of just looking at the build log pictures or reading the very old rv8 build instructions. I also think the video series will help other RVs as well
They certainly skip a lot of steps so I'm not sure it's of a lot of value for beginners. Certainly more so for those further along in their builds.
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