
Well Known Member
I just got inspired by the tread which is about showing us the best pics of RV's sitting on the ground, so I'm starting another tread about showing us airborne pics of RV's.

There must be A TON of great pics out there!

Here's a few of mine for a starter. The first two are taken during a 2-ship formation flight this Spring.



This last one is taken during a formation-flight in October last year:


Some how you might have seen it before, because I wrote about that flight in this tread:

We're planning another formation-flight with RV's + Vampire this summer, so hopefully I'll be able to post some pics in a while.
By the way; last week the two guys owing the Vamp bought their SECOND flying Vampire! (a single-seat this time)

Hopefully we'll be able to fly a formation with those two Vamps and some RV's too, but the fuelcost will be approx 100 dollars PER MINUTE just for the two Vamps, so we'll see..... :D

Anyway; let's see some great air-to-air shots people! That'll be really motivating for us all!
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Straight UP


This is where the 4 was pure FUN. 200HP, light and tight - with fighter plane visibility. Formation acro was superb in this little hotrod.
This morning

Well since I just got free of my test hours a week ago...this is my best pic so far. With all the work,weather, kids sports etc it has been tough getting my family up. We decided my son and I would go up today for his first flight so at 5:50am, we got up, stopped at Tim Hortons (a Canadian thing) for coffee and a muffin, and were in the air at 6:30. He loved it and was at school for 8:30. Life doesnt get much better than an early morning plane ride with your son. :D

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10,000' over north central Florida, bringing my new baby home to 28J from from ZPH

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Where the grin happens..............

Just a few seconds into maiden flight.

There can be no in the air pic that is more awesome for me.:D


Taken at the West Coast Formation Clinic at Madera, California. I took the picture from Bob Mills' super 6. Now if I could just get a shot that wasnt through a canopy!
Annual FAST check ride


That's me in the RV-9A, with Bryan Carr in the Harmon Rocket struggling to keep up. The ceiling in this picture is about 1200 feet, but we ended up between layers around 3000 feet. Flight between Victoria and Langley BC for briefing was at 700 feet over the water. Yes, I wore my inflatable life vest.
Something Different


9A with SOHC Subaru EJ25 and NSI installation including cockpit adjustable prop by whirlwind with 22 degrees of negative pitch available.
Paint is DuPont Chromalusion "True Blasberry".
My Favorite Photo

This has made the rounds before, but it's still my favorite airborne photo of my plane..

This is my favorite shot of my plane so far. The aluminum lipstick around the inlets is AL tape that I'm using for a cooling experiment on my Sube... seems to be working pretty well.



A photo of Seattle on the return trip home from the Arlington Fly-in. We were fortunate to have great weather for the Fly-in this year.

I just got inspired by the tread which is about showing us the best pics of RV's sitting on the ground, so I'm starting another tread about showing us airborne pics of RV's.

There must be A TON of great pics out there!

Here's a few of mine for a starter. The first two are taken during a 2-ship formation flight this Spring.

This last one is taken during a formation-flight in October last year:

Some how you might have seen it before, because I wrote about that flight in this tread:

We're planning another formation-flight with RV's + Vampire this summer, so hopefully I'll be able to post some pics in a while.
By the way; last week the two guys owing the Vamp bought their SECOND flying Vampire! (a single-seat this time)

Hopefully we'll be able to fly a formation with those two Vamps and some RV's too, but the fuelcost will be approx 100 dollars PER MINUTE just for the two Vamps, so we'll see..... :D

Anyway; let's see some great air-to-air shots people! That'll be really motivating for us all!

That last pic is awesome!
I have a lot of great photos of my RV in the air. This is one of the first and I am not sure who took it. It may have been Rosie.

(Yup, it was me...coming home from San Diego late one evening. I was actually using Condor's plane as my sun visor ;-)]
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I have a lot of great photos of my RV in the air. This is one of the first and I am not sure who took it. It may have been Rosie.

It was Rosie...he sent me a copy for my wallpaper collection a couple of years ago. Beautiful picture, buddy. I love it!
In air photos

I didn't take the first photo but it is the one that inspired me to build!
The second photo is of N914WR on final into 28A Goose Creek, NC.


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Bill Repucci took this photo on our way to Osh 2011. On a side note he was burning more avgas than I was.

Van liked this one

VAn liked this one so much he put it in the 2011 calendar for December. Photo by Dale Walter.

...The second photo is of N914WR on final into 28A Goose Creek, NC.
Robert, I have always liked that photo but now that she is painted, I need to get another in flight photo of her!
And here she is...

Different engine, different cowl, but same plane.
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Does this count?

I figure this qualifies as being in the air ;) This was taken at Indy Executive at the start of the SARL Race...
Polson Fly-in 2011

a local guy sent me a link to pictures taken at the Polson fly-in. Best flying pics to date and he really captured the colors.

N155BK as we break ground heading home

Zoomed in as we pass

Had a special day and now pictures to remember it by
Taken Saturday by Bill Schlatterer. Bill was riding in the backseat of Gerald Loyds RV-4. Taken just after a 4-ship take off from Pine Bluff, Arkansas.
Lead was Randal Warren and #2 was David Bray. We had a great practice session!
