Active Member
On a trip from DEN to BOS I had to reluctantly leave my plane last week in YNG Ohio due to prop problems. I removed the prop and drove it to the manufacturer and they are sending one back to me at Winner Aviation to arrive late Friday if all goes well. I will be flying out commercially late Friday to install the prop Saturday am. Constant speed, and tough to lift it on and align it alone, torquing etc, especially with field tools. If there is an RV soul in the area who is comfortable hanging props and could lend a hand I would sure take you out to a fine meal the next time you are in Denver (or skiing the Rockies). In fact, having in my dark past written a couple of books on skiing, a ski lesson would be included!

Sorry, wrong side of the state. I am located at Portsmouth, OH that is 180 nm south west of YNG.

Hi Len,
I'd fly up to give you hand but am commited to flying media flights Friday evening and doing an airshow on Saturday with some of our Ohio Valley RVators.

That said.....I'm about 175lbs. and I've installed and removed C/S Hartzells many times by myself.....mostly 72 inchers but I've also had my RV10 80" prop on and off a couple time solo. Granted, it's easier with 2 (or 3) people but it CAN be done (safely) by one person. Once the prop and flange is prepped you just lift that sucker up and cradle it in your arms while you get a couple studs threaded. From there it just takes a little longer to run the bolts in, torque, and safety wire.

Hope you get a helper but if not you 'can' do it if you feel comfortable.

Also, don't rule out getting a couple of 'locals' to hold the prop for you while you get the studs started????

Again...sorry I can't help you this Friday or Saturday :( .
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tc1234c said:

Sorry, wrong side of the state. I am located at Portsmouth, OH that is 180 nm south west of YNG.

Oops. Now everyone's going to start calling me "Wrongway."

By the way, though, have you heard from RickS regarding meeting up for him to get a look at your 9? I have another guy also interested. I gave him a 6 ride a couple of weeks ago, and as you can expect, pretty much scared him into a 9. I'm not the best diplomat for 6's, I guess.
Vote for DIY

I hung and removed my 72" prop by myself a few times and I'm only 150lbs...But I can do one arm pullups...:)

Seriously its not that hard, you pick it up like a bar bell and then cradle the prop hub like a baby with the hub one your left (r handed) forearm and simply twidlle the bolt with your right hand fingers.

Its really not that hard...Just make sure you got a good start on one of the threads before you relax..

Thanks to all..

Looks as if I'll just get a line guy to help lift it on if necessary. I am now in Toronto on business for one day, having packed torque wrench and misc other tools, safety wire etc and (atypically) checked the baggage. Got to Toronto fine with the "this luggage has been opened and inspected" sticker on it and a 1 hour wait in the bag claim area. The point of which is "that is surely among the reasons we have RV's!!" What a fabulous traveling machine.. at least when everything stays attached!
PS.. if at the last minute one of you folks feels like a $100 hamburger and flies into YNG, my cell is 303.465.0054 and I'll be replacing this thing Sat morning.