
Well Known Member
Came up to visit the folks and was out on a little flight to take a friend up and low and behold, look who is out trying out is new wings.

Now that's cool!

Looks like it was converted to retractable gear, too:cool:
Either that, or it really is a "slider":eek:
Run into!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Webb, that's just not right:eek:

Here I am, out minding my own business, on base, flaps down, bingo fuel, defenseless and I get jumped from behind at 170 kts. Kinda reminds me of how the Mustangs shot down the ME262 jets, catch them landing...

Actually, I was returning from putting 424 nms on her yesterday and heard Webb announce a "missed approach" at my home airport, little did he know I was only 11 minutes out. I still hold the advantage though Webb, like I radiod...I hit 200 kts the day before:D

But "look who I ran into"..................that's just not right:eek:
Webb, that's just not right:eek:

Here I am, out minding my own business, on base, flaps down, bingo fuel, defenseless and I get jumped from behind at 170 kts. Kinda reminds me of how the Mustangs shot down the ME262 jets, catch them landing...

Actually, I was returning from putting 424 nms on her yesterday and heard Webb announce a "missed approach" at my home airport, little did he know I was only 11 minutes out. I still hold the advantage though Webb, like I radiod...I hit 200 kts the day before:D

But "look who I ran into"..................that's just not right:eek:

I was too close for missles and had to switch over to guns.
Just can't too much Top Gun-speak

Dana, I recently heard Chuck Yeager give a talk and he recounted his Me-262 kill. Just as you described, it was on "final" and Yeager blew his wing off. He had the biggest grin on his face as he said, "I guess that wasn't very sporting of me".

He then recounted as he continued down the runway, on the deck, as the anti-aircraft guns were still shooting at him and watching the shells impact the hangars across the field.