
Well Known Member
1. Your morning and/or office routine consists of getting coffee, logging in, and checking the VAF forums.

2. You check the forums for new posts at least once an hour.

3. You use vansairforce.net to check internet connectivity at remote sites, and leave the page up as a "I was here" marker.

4. Your attitude changes when there are no new posts

5. You experience withdrawal symptoms when the internet connection at work dies.
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Guilty as charged!

I'm looking for a 12 step program, but spend too much time here to go!
7. When walking down the RV line at OSH you can name who owns which RV... even though you have never met the owner.

When you watch for when your fiance gets back home from work or a flight by monitoring his forum posts. ;)
7. When walking down the RV line at OSH you can name who owns which RV... even though you have never met the owner.

We have a winner! :D

You know your addicted when you have more than 1,000 posts, none of which are relivant to RV's!:eek:
6. Your wife knows the names of many frequent posters even though she never visits the site....

#9 (or is it 10)
After spending all weekend working on an rv related problem to no avail, your wife says "maby you should just ask George, he'd know" ;)
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When you

Introduce yourself to other RV builders/owners with your VAF alias


When the other builder/owner recognizes your alias and discusses a recent thread
Or when you speed through traffic cause you see a car ahead with what looks like a VAF sticker in the back window, and then when you finally catch up with them, you get pissed when you see its really this:


:rolleyes: Its happened to me more than once! :D
#11 When you browse the Classified too much in hopes of coming up with a killer deal, since it'll be gone 5 seconds after it's posted.