
I wouldn't trust them with the ( going to support them for years to come ).
Gee let's make everyone retrofit.

Along with that, there is also other news:

From now until the end of the year, there is a $1K rebate on the GTN-650's and GTS traffic system for the next 3 months. Details are available here:

If you have any additional questions on this feel free to contact us.


PS, I don't get the weird comment on support or where Ed got his data, but Garmin still supports products that have been discontinued for many years, and there are literally 100,000+ GNS series boxes out there in civilian, military and commercial usage that will require support. Nobody is making anyone buy anything.
As long as they will fix it if it breaks and they update the firmware to add the correct flag ADS-B needs to qualify it as a precision position source....I will remain a happy 430W user.
As long as they will fix it if it breaks and they update the firmware to add the correct flag ADS-B needs to qualify it as a precision position source....I will remain a happy 430W user.

Ditto that.
It sucks that they didn't make them the same size as it would make the upgrade easier.
I for one would like to know how those touch screens work, how about turbulant air. I don't know, I think I would be hitting the wrong place all the time on the screen. IFR also spells turbulance in my book. Heck many times VFR can be quit a ride.
You need to fly one. The buttons have a slight pause so its pretty hard to hit the wrong one. In fact, it easier to hit the wrong real button than a virtual one. The finger print issue is real though.

I'll be looking for a 430w soon just because I'm not made of money..

I for one would like to know how those touch screens work, how about turbulant air. I don't know, I think I would be hitting the wrong place all the time on the screen. IFR also spells turbulance in my book. Heck many times VFR can be quit a ride.
I for one would like to know how those touch screens work, how about turbulant air. I don't know, I think I would be hitting the wrong place all the time on the screen. IFR also spells turbulance in my book. Heck many times VFR can be quit a ride.

I've flown with a lot of touchscreen avionics and I had the same apprehensions. The fact that they put in "anchor points" for your fingers tells me they put a lot of thought into the design because that's exactly how you naturally operate it. Once you get used to touch screen, it's fantastic. Can't wait to try a GTN someday.

I'll trade my SL30, GTX330(es), PS9000 and my 430W for a new GTN750, GTN650 With remote everything and get the rebate for my GTS800 and ..............I wish! I'm already outdated!! first flight March 31 2011. My GTS800 TAS would show on the GTN750. I would stop bugging Garmin to show TAS on my G3X if I had all that.
Touch Screen Avionics...

On some of these touch screens, if you get a bit of grease from your fingers on the screen, it doesn't respond as well. Other touch screens don't work if you wear gloves (like I do). I like glass...the first part of my private pilot course was in a G-1000 C-172 at Hawthorne Airport...but touch screens are a bit iffy.
You can still wear gloves with a touch screen. You just have to either buy gloves that have a conductive pad on the fingertips, or modify your own gloves with the same (very easy/cheap to do). Touch screens are really quite efficient and enjoyable to use. I have a few hours behind a GTN 650 and an Aera 796, and while I still often tune radios with the knob (like I did with the 430), I find that most everything else is either the same or easier to do with a touch screen.

I always liked the checklist feature on the 696, but I find it works much better with the touch screen on the 796. Likewise, map panning and selecting/viewing airspaces and the like is just plain easier and faster with the touch screen (in turbulence or not :cool:).
Other touch screens don't work if you wear gloves (like I do).

The Garmin stuff I have flown doesn't care if you have gloves on. I've even used the eraser side of a pencil to enter waypoints.

I think no one should be allowed to post that they don't like touchscreens unless they have flown one. These things are not your average cell phone and are designed for flying.
This is one of those things that some (not all) people comment on based on their opinions of what they "perceive" it might be like to fly behind one after using their Ipad or Droid phone....but not necessarily the facts of flying behind them. Whether we like it or not, it's the way the world of avionics is moving. The mfgrs are spending lots of time with the user interfaces, and from my standpoint I like some of the touchscreen UI's much better than the old buttonology of buried menus. That's not always the case, but most of the new stuff is designed pretty well (but then there are some that are just terribly poor).

As I said, it's the way things are going as technology moves forward.

To be sure, some of the stuff works only with capacitive devices (fingers/gloves/etc..), and some doesn't care if it's a wood plank or pencil eraser so each persons comments can be right depending on the device they are referring to.

Just my 2 cents as usual!

I think no one should be allowed to post that they don't like touchscreens unless they have flown one. These things are not your average cell phone and are designed for flying.

OK. I guess I get to post, then. I have about 5 hours of flying with both a Garmin 750 and a 650, wearing USAF Nomex gloves, and I find that the touch screens work about half the time. I have now cut off the tip of the left index finger of my glove so I can use the screens. They work fine that way.

I absolutely love the new Garmin interfaces and OS.

Just my datapoint...
This announcement makes me feel better about having my discontinued GNS480. When I bought my 480, I figured that Garmin would stop selling it before too long but I still liked it better than a 430 and didn't want to spend the $$ or panel space on a 530.

So this announcement makes me love my 480 even more. Maybe you 430/530 guys will feel lucky that you got them while they were available. :)
Different Perspective

Along with that, there is also other news:

From now until the end of the year, there is a $1K rebate on the GTN-650's and GTS traffic system for the next 3 months. Details are available here:

If you have any additional questions on this feel free to contact us.


PS, I don't get the weird comment on support or where Ed got his data, but Garmin still supports products that have been discontinued for many years, and there are literally 100,000+ GNS series boxes out there in civilian, military and commercial usage that will require support. Nobody is making anyone buy anything.

This can't be good for people caught in the middle. From the business side they may seen generous etc. but these boxes outlast their generous support and there is a certain amount of "being left hanging on the part of the buyer." I guess that is to be expected. Maybe they should be required to provide support directly or via subcontractor forever once approved as an aircraft navigation device. The warning on the 430 should bring sales on it to an abrubt halt. I still have my fully functioning magic box GPS90 with a lot of obsolete designations but it gave me direct home navigation with minimum fuel a few years ago. Glad I didn't buy these anchors - I did consider it.

Bob Axsom