
Active Member
Greetings all, and an introduction.

Kent in Canada here. Grew up surrounded by aviation - my father was a fighter pilot in the 1950's Luftwaffe and was a corporate pilot through the 70's & 80's. Got my PPL and ME back in 1990, but have not enjoyed the life of a club renter. As a matter of fact, it put me off to the point that I wasn't bothering to stay current. I needed my own a/c, but not one that I would be legally forced into having someone else maintain and sign-off. Whatever the reason, I decided to build my own. Quite frankly, I couldn't imagine a more euphoric high than taking that first flight in an machine you've built yourself.

My hat is off to all that have accomplished this - whether it be a Flybaby, a Kitfox, a Glasair, an RV... doesn't matter. You are all my inspiration to join those ranks someday.

To that end, (and after an all-nighter reading every word on Sam Buchanan's site realizing that I really could do it) I built an RV-8 emp back in 2001, but then life intervened. Not an excuse mind you, just a fact.

Fast forward through 3 job changes, 4 moves, supportive wife, 2 kids, and a new house and you'll find me here... with a small single-car garage workshop all set up and ready to order my wings. I wouldn't trade that non-building time for anything, but it feels great to be back on the track of my dream once again.

I have followed the progress of many of your projects over the past years, and it is very heartening to see many of those that started back when I did are now flying. This year I'll be taking my father to Osh (a first for both of us), and hope to find a local willing to let me top up their tanks in exchange for an RV grin.

Long story short... thanks to all for the stories, tips, and encouragement. The GA community is shrinking, but I hope to do my part to keep it alive for some time to come.

Fly safe all,

Welcome back and like you many of life's more important things has slowed me down. I look froward to hearing about your progress.

Luck and success!!!!!

Frank @ SGU RV7A "NDY"
As Victor Laszlo said in the movie, Casablanca, "Welcome back to the fight. This time I know our side will win."
Good Luck. Have fun.