
Well Known Member
Feeling good about earning our airworthiness inspection yesterday.
Expecting to share the first flight smile photo very soon after transition training this weekend.


FYI, DAR Raymond Howell from Ft. Pierce Florida did the inspection. He had previewed all my paperwork, given me recommendations and did a great job. One detail I learned about FAA dotting I's and crossing T's: Look at your registration and make sure all the airworthiness paperwork exactly matches. Mine didn't, the FAA chose to rearrange the order by putting II (second) in an new position at the end. Not a problem on the paper work, but, now have to modify/change the EAA data plate.
way to go, rv grin before flight! PM me some contact info. what airport are you at? we will drop by sometime. got to go to sebring, getting the neeed for rvating. :)