What's your level of interest in an Aerobatic Clinic

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Well Known Member
Hi All,

Mark Fullerton, president of IAC Chapter 3 has graciously volunteered to host an aerobatic clinic for RV pilots. While preparations are slowly taking shape I can tell you that the tentative date will be the weekend of 22-23 April, 2017. The venue will be Rome, Georgia (KRMG).

Unlike formation clinics, this will be a rather small gathering due to the intense one-on-one instruction that is anticipated. We can accommodate a good size group for the ground school but the flying portion will necessarily be limited to pilots who have a solid experience with unusual attitude/spin recovery through either military or civilian training. They will be required to follow up the clinic with a commitment to compete in IAC competition during the 2017 season.

If you have the determination to become a competitive aerobatic pilot but lack the requisite basic training I urge you to contact an instructor who can give you basic recovery training. Sources are listed on the IAC web site:


Training at the clinic will be by experienced competition pilots who will coach you from the ground. Ground school will include preparation of your aircraft for competition, understanding Aresti notation, what to expect at your first contest and the finer points of flying competition figures in your RV.

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The above poll is just to gauge the level of interest for planning purposes. It is not a commitment to attend. We will probably be signing up attendees about a month or two prior to the clinic. Stay tuned for more information.
I voted option 5, but it would be nice if it were closer to Florida.:cool:
Either way, I'm still interested in attending.
2017 was a good year for RVs

In 2010 when Ron and I started flying competition, we were the only RVs that year. There had been several who flew competition before but not more than two in any year. In 2016 11pilots flew RVs in 12 IAC contests, collecting 8 first place plaques and16 total plaques (1st to 3rd) plus one for highest score first time Sportsman. In the regional series, Emery was first in the northwest in Primary. In Sportsman, Schreck finished first in the northeast, Coggin was second in the south central, and I was 2nd in the southeast. I think if the aerobatic clinic is a success in the southeast, the other regions will probably put on a similar event to attract new members. It will be interesting to see how well RVs participate in 2017.:confused:
Bill McLean
RV-4 slider
lower AL
What about another date during the summer?

I don't mind the travel to Georgia. I think I could find my way there!


Ron, do you think that you will do this thing regularly?

:cool: CJ
What about another date during the summer?

I don't mind the travel to Georgia. I think I could find my way there!


Ron, do you think that you will do this thing regularly?

:cool: CJ

Any follow-on clinics will be determined based on the success of this first clinic. Right now we are pretty firm on the late April date.
The above poll is just to gauge the level of interest for planning purposes. It is not a commitment to attend. We will probably be signing up attendees about a month or two prior to the clinic. Stay tuned for more information.

You missed one category. I am certainly interested but unfortunately can't make the dates. Will have to work those days... . Hate when that happens.

You missed one category. I am certainly interested but unfortunately can't make the dates. Will have to work those days... . Hate when that happens.



Having already made it to your first contest (and did quite well by the way), you know most of this stuff. Get some good practice in this Spring and you will be ready to step up to Sportsman category.
I'm very interested, but it's too far... If it was on the West Coast or even neighboring state, I would be the first one on the list!

Any chance they can move it to a more central location so that more can attend??