
Well Known Member
You are nine. Your stepbrother in Helena leaves behind his textbooks in Bozeman. It is three hours round trip by car. Your dad offers to deliver the textbooks via RV.

After a short climb you take over the controls.

It is a semi overcast day in SouthWest Montana.


You fly by Canyon Ferry Lake

You are nine. You are too cool for words.
Yesss, great pictures. He looks like my son when he flies.....can't see over the cowl and doing more instrument flying than you think. :) Booster cushions...
Fast forward 7 years...

"Dad, can I borrow the keys to the plane. I have a date. And, oh, do you have a spare hundred? We are going out for burgers." :D
Way to go Hans.

Looks like you went right over the dam and my house. Can't wait to get mine flying, the 9yr olds can fly us somewhere. I have a 9yr old grandson in Bozeman, who is chomping at the bit to go flying.
Sad thing is

With about 3 tries, they would be able to land smoother than we would like to admit. :eek: Video gamers!!!!
The rules are different

with video gaming. you wreck, you reset, good to go. My nephew would slaughter me in his car race game. Never mind I did it for real for 5 years.
I took him up for the first time this weekend. Made him do 90 degree turns holding alt. I think he realized this was the real thing, i.e. you screw up you die,
no reset. Everyone had a great time and no I as not given any credit for games lost. I believe the sooner this can offered in a controlled environment the better. It's a great teaching moment. Savior it.
Fast forward 7 years...

"Dad, can I borrow the keys to the plane. I have a date. And, oh, do you have a spare hundred? We are going out for burgers." :D

HA HA HA HA!!!:D I couldn't stop laughing. Can't wait for the day when I can do this.
By the way, picture are 34, there is a knock at the door, you open it, it is the Fed Ex man with your empennage. Happened to me today, and it is the exact same feeling your 9 year old had. Way to go Doc!
Cool Nine year olds

This thread made me want to repost a story I told here a few years ago about flying with kids, its one of my favorite RV moments. My youngest son was about 12, and is a gearhead, he likes cars bikes and aircraft. I was going to a flyin breakfast at a small airport about 20 minutes away, and asked him if he wanted to go. He said he did, and asked if we could wear the flight suits that my brother in the air force had given us. I had never worn one but said sure lets go. We drove out and wheeled YTQ out of the hanger and departed. I let Dan do some of the flying and he found the airport we were flying to. I landed and parked, and then we walked to the hanger where the breakfast was. There were quite a number of townspeople there for the breakfast which is an airport fundraiser, so quite a large number of non airplane people were watching us walk from the flight line. Just as we were getting close Dan leaned over to me and said "Dad, we're the coolest guys here" I still laugh when I think of it.

My apologies if you remember be telling this before, but to me its good enough to repeat.

Joe Hine
Fredericton, N.B.
I remember when my Kids were small they fought over who would wear my flight helmet for Halloween. It looked like a pumpkin on top of their head but no other kids in the neighborhood had one.

for the great comments guys! I just showed this thread to my son and the "fast forward seven years" had him in stitches...

Brian, lets definitely take the kiddos out for some $100 salmon salad, I know just the place.
