
Well Known Member
I cannot believe a Yosemite thread has not been started already. Anyway here is a start. Since KMPI lost the FBO and car rentals a few years ago, I had been wanting to test out the YARTS bus system for a while now. With a day to myself, this was the day. ;)

Yarts is fantastic. It is mainly used by park employees, but if you can work with their commuter schedule, it was great. The buses are big luxury buses with comfy seats, airconditioning and a bathroom. The pickup schedule is roughly every hour from 6am to noon and one run at 6.30pm. Scheduling is seasonal, so you have to study the schedule carefully at the website. Each way $6 incl entrance fee into park. $12 RT.


The BIG issue is that it is 4.5 miles from the airport to the pickup spots in the town of Mariposa. There is one largish hill in the middle as well. I took my foldup Dahon bike, but next time, i will take a larger bicycle with me. The hill was a bit of a bear with the smaller bike. The greyhound style bus can accommodate a huge amount of luggage. You *could* walk but it would take over an hour. It is also a narrow road in some spots. Unfortunately, no Uber cars available when i was there either. Not sure about Taxis. There was an EAA chapter meeting starting when i arrived, and the fellows kindly offered to drive me to town. However, i wanted to do my full test. Thus, you might get lucky if someone is in the terminal, and you can hitch a ride.

Mariposa is a wonderful town with visitors center, cafes, food, restaurants, and museums to check out while you wait for the bus. I would recommend buying your lunch in Mariposa. The food available in the park is probalby the typical park food with crowds, if that is your thing. I have yet to try the Alwahnee Buffet, though, which i have heard good things about. However, I can highly recommend the "High Country Health Foods and Cafe" while you wait for the bus right across the street from one of the stops.

From Mariposa to Curry Village, is about 1:20, which is not bad. It is even better when you consider that 1 of the 2 lanes in the valley is a dedicated bus lane. We passed by a few miles of cars very nicely indeed. The bike comes in very handy in the valley to get from point to point. No waiting to get sardined into the shuttles or randomly driving around trying to find parking. BRING YOUR BIKE! Bring your camera, too! ;)


You just cannot beat this valley for the views. I love it. Being only 40 minutes from my airport, it is a crying shame that i am not here every week. I promise to try more often.

Not a bad place to eat my lunch!



Oh and by the way, i am starting to campaign to see if we can get the YARTS bus to stop at the airport upon request. It is only 4.5 miles out of their way, and it would be a life saver for us with airplanes. They stop at the Merced Airport, so i hope they see the light of stopping at the closest airport to one of the most well known national parks in the entire nation, right?!

Like anything like this, it is a political process. I talked with a YARTS manager already. I recently contacted the Mariposa airport manager. Still waiting to hear back from him. I plan to contact the EAA chapter and possibly the airport association if they have one, too.

It would be an absolute WIN-WIN for everyone if we could make this happen!!!

Thanks everyone for listening!
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Great Write-up!

Thanks for the write-up Jae. My Uncle lives in Mariposa and is on the list to visit in Phase II next year. It is good to know that Yosemite is so easy to get to - a plus for sure.
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Great write up !!!
Last season I parked the RV there and the hotel picked me up.
After that, I was stumped. Since I did not know about the bus, I went out by the stop sign and put my thumb out. Third car was Calif Highway Patrol. The officer asked where I was headed and gave me a ride clear up to the park boundary.
I suppose it helped that I was wearing an Airborne Law Enforcement shirt from my work duties.
Found out about the bus after renting a bike in the park for the afternoon. Rode it back down to the hotel.
Next time, I am packing the folding bike and will do the whole thing without resorting to old fashioned hitch hiking.
Thanks again for posting.
BillL, nice. I'll meet you there next year! ;) I met some of the best people in Mariposa. I even had an offer to drive me up to the valley.

Flightlogic, wow, that is great the hotel picked you up! That makes the rates a bit more bearable. ;) Of course, i plan to camp at Camp 4 at $6 a head per night, so I am going to have to figure out my own transportation. ;)

I also updated my original post above. I forgot the most important part for posting. I am hoping to convince the powers that be to allow a requested pickup and drop-off at the KMPI airport. It is the closest airport to Yosemite Valley. It is a crying shame not to do this. It is an absolute win-win for everyone.
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Had no idea YARTS made it out to KMCE (on request). KMCE has a little BBQ place and car rental as well, we have used it a few times to vist the area(our son is at ucMerced).

Also of interest, YARTS can take you all the way over the hill to Mammoth Lakes. It makes for a spectacular 4-6 day hike back to Yosemite with a resupply at Tuolumne meadows! Just get those permits early ;)
.... I am hoping to convince the powers that be to allow a requested pickup and drop-off at the KMPI airport. It is the closest airport to Yosemite Valley. It is a crying shame not to do this. It is an absolute win-win for everyone.

Its 104NM from Lincoln Regional (KLHM) to Mariposa (KMPI). That's about 50 minutes in my RV-8.

If I could solve the 4.5 mile issue from Mariposa to the bus stop than as soon as school starts back up and the park population drops, this would be a great trip for my wife and I.

The pictures are beautiful. Thanks for the write up.

You're camping?
Lee Vining option

The YARTS bus also has a stop in Lee Vining on the eastern side of the Sierra. The airport is within walking distance to the bus stop, which is at the gas station/mini-mart across Hwy 395.

One of these years I want to hike the upper Tuolumne River and see the water wheel falls in action.
The YARTS bus also has a stop in Lee Vining on the eastern side of the Sierra. The airport is within walking distance to the bus stop, which is at the gas station/mini-mart across Hwy 395.

Thanks for this info! I've actually wondered how we could get to Tuolumne Meadows from Lee Vining. Can't wait for a backpack trip now!
Had no idea YARTS made it out to KMCE (on request). KMCE has a little BBQ place and car rental as well, we have used it a few times to vist the area(our son is at ucMerced).

Also of interest, YARTS can take you all the way over the hill to Mammoth Lakes. It makes for a spectacular 4-6 day hike back to Yosemite with a resupply at Tuolumne meadows! Just get those permits early ;)

JD, no request necessary for Merced Airport. However, its on a reduced schedule. Pickup times are only 6.45am 8.45am 10.20am and 4.30pm. There are also pickups from UC Merced, Merced College, Merced Mall at 5pm or so for the college kids i assume. The other big pickup location is Merced Amtrak, where i am told train pickups are popular.


Its 104NM from Lincoln Regional (KLHM) to Mariposa (KMPI). That's about 50 minutes in my RV-8.

If I could solve the 4.5 mile issue from Mariposa to the bus stop than as soon as school starts back up and the park population drops, this would be a great trip for my wife and I.

The pictures are beautiful. Thanks for the write up.

You're camping?

Charlie, i didnt camp this time, but yes that is my interest. Before the RV, i used to do a LOT more camping. It is a shame not to do more now WITH an RV somehow someway. It's just a question of available time.

Yes, Lee Vining, Mammoth, June Lakes, and Tuolumne Meadows are all other areas i have yet to explore. Keep in mind the YARTS schedule is busiest during these peak summer months of July and August. Come September, the schedule will change in various ways.

Actually a month ago, I finally flew into Lee Vining, which was very nice as well. The bus stop is much easier to get to at the Mobil station. Getting to Tuolumne is only a 45 minute bus ride. I didnt have the schedule, so i didnt take YARTS up. Wish i had. I did spend a very nice afternoon in Lee Vining. I think exploring Lee Vining and Mono Lake is definitely a good day trip, exploring town, the visitors centers, mono lake visitors center and mono lake itself. The hike to Mono Lake looked like it would take at least an hour down and back from the visitors center.

Yarts KMCE

Was speaking to the return trip only.... Morning pickup isn't a problem. Nor should be the return if you alert the driver
FYI. KMPI has the FBO and rental cars available again. Call them up. Good aviation guys making a go of it. I think it was $76/24 hr period.

The waterfalls are in full flow and blossom. Hasnt been like this in years. Crowds are still light (at least weekdays) and park is nicely driveable. Did the Vernal Falls and Nevada Falls hike. Quite long and hard but great hike. Definitely do take a lunch with you to enjoy while sitting on the top of the water fall on the warm slab of granite. ;)

Nice hike and pic Jae, thanks for sharing. Have you ever done Lost Coast from Shelter Cove? Katie and I are looking at it for a fly/backpack trip...
Nice hike and pic Jae, thanks for sharing. Have you ever done Lost Coast from Shelter Cove? Katie and I are looking at it for a fly/backpack trip...

Some friends of mine did this, some years ago. They enticed ($) someone at the cafe to drive them north 20 miles, so they only hiked one way. The drive took 3 hours! (had to go way inland, north, then back west. There's a reason it's called the lost coast). It's very doable as an out-and-back. Watch out for high surf, at times you need to walk the beach.
Nice hike and pic Jae, thanks for sharing. Have you ever done Lost Coast from Shelter Cove? Katie and I are looking at it for a fly/backpack trip...

No. I have not landed Shelter Cove, yet. One day. Ive heard there is enough to do within walking distance of the airport, such as walking the beaches, camping overnight, and even surfing. A surfing friend camps and surfs there occasionally by airplane.

As Bob says, yes, that lost coast area is quite sparse. I drove the old highway 101 along the mendocino coastline long ago. It is just really remote and literally no development at all.

Bruce and Katie, if you make it to SF, I now have a spare room. I will probably eventually list it on airbnb when i get the time. ;)
JD, no request necessary for Merced Airport. However, its on a reduced schedule. Pickup times are only 6.45am 8.45am 10.20am and 4.30pm. There are also pickups from UC Merced, Merced College, Merced Mall at 5pm or so for the college kids i assume. The other big pickup location is Merced Amtrak, where i am told train pickups are popular.


Charlie, i didnt camp this time, but yes that is my interest. Before the RV, i used to do a LOT more camping. It is a shame not to do more now WITH an RV somehow someway. It's just a question of available time.

Yes, Lee Vining, Mammoth, June Lakes, and Tuolumne Meadows are all other areas i have yet to explore. Keep in mind the YARTS schedule is busiest during these peak summer months of July and August. Come September, the schedule will change in various ways.

Actually a month ago, I finally flew into Lee Vining, which was very nice as well. The bus stop is much easier to get to at the Mobil station. Getting to Tuolumne is only a 45 minute bus ride. I didnt have the schedule, so i didnt take YARTS up. Wish i had. I did spend a very nice afternoon in Lee Vining. I think exploring Lee Vining and Mono Lake is definitely a good day trip, exploring town, the visitors centers, mono lake visitors center and mono lake itself. The hike to Mono Lake looked like it would take at least an hour down and back from the visitors center.


Thank you for the link. The photo is amazing. With the snow melting its a great time to go.
Btw, YARTS has multiple daily stops at KFAT, it goes to the terminal building but any of the FBOs will drop you off there.
Wow, that's great to know that car rentals are available again! The RV4 doesn't have enough room even for a folding bike. :( Thanks for the great write-up. Now I'm tempted to take my wife up there soon!

Another alternative is Columbia Airport, but it's about 2hrs drive into Yosemite. They have car rentals there also, and it's a great airport that has a campsite right on airport grounds!


FYI. KMPI has the FBO and rental cars available again. Call them up. Good aviation guys making a go of it. I think it was $76/24 hr period.

The waterfalls are in full flow and blossom. Hasnt been like this in years. Crowds are still light (at least weekdays) and park is nicely driveable. Did the Vernal Falls and Nevada Falls hike. Quite long and hard but great hike. Definitely do take a lunch with you to enjoy while sitting on the top of the water fall on the warm slab of granite. ;)
