MH Anderson

I'm New Here
I am tooling up for my RV-10 build and was wondering what yokes I should have on hand for my build. What have you experienced builders used and what should I have on hand to make my build as uncomplicated as possible.
I'm wrapping up the tailcone on my -10 with the wing on order and the standard yoke and the longeron yoke have done 90% of what I need. The 3" yoke is nice as well. I have a 3" with a hole but a 3" with no hole would probably be preferred. The hole gives you options but cannot get into tight spaces like the no hole.

An adjustable ram is 100% worth the cost.
You can do 80% of the work with a longeron yoke. I have the longeron yoke on my pneumatic squeezer and a 3" yoke on my hand squeezer and I rarely change them. A 4" and a no hole would be nice, but not necessary.
Here is my summary during the -7A build.

1.5" yolk, sometimes while riveting always while dimpling

3" yolk, I use this most of the time for riveting

4" yolk, I use occasionally but still a yolk I like to have

4" no hole, this comes in handy on trailing edges but the only reason I have it is because I bought a pure piece of c-r-a-p squeezer from ATS, dang I hate that squeezer. It's the only yolk that goes on it though. I digress...

longeron yolk, an absolute must have. You can do a lot with it but there are definitely times you don't have the space for the yolk.

Can you get by with less than the yolks I have? Without question! However, I like to squeeze when I can before having to buck, it's not that I can't shoot them but it is just easier to squeeze in my mind.

2nd the longeron yoke but I always opt for the smallest one that will do the job. Less flex. Better results. That said, I prefer gun and tungsten bar.