tobinbasford said:
I was just thinking the same thing. How'd this guy get on here in the first place.
I would like to know too. I just sent a message to Doug but by the time I got back to the forum page the thread was gone. I have to say that is pretty quick work on Doug's part.
Its been an unusually bad spam day. We delete as fast as we can.
Little triangle works best.
dmaib said:
I don't see a red triangle in the upper RH corner or anywhere else.
Does this help?
Roadster said:
Red triangle, upper RH corner of post.
Hmmm ... I must have missed that as I was about to send a message.

Maybe this needs highlighting a bit more somehow.

tobinbasford said:
Forget the traingle, how'd you get that huge red arrow in there!!
What? That doesn't pop up for you when you type "where's the friggin little triangle that everyone keeps talking about" in Google? :D
Agree. Bad spam day - like three accounts.

FYI I don't delete those accounts, I ban them permantly so that they can't re-create a new account using the same email address and/or I.P. address. Out of the 4,020 accounts maybe 15 are spammers.

Might help, might not....but can't hurt to try <g>.

DeltaRomeo said:
Agree. Bad spam day - like three accounts.

FYI I don't delete those accounts, I ban them permantly so that they can't re-create a new account using the same email address and/or I.P. address.

Might help, might not....but can't hurt to try <g>.
Are the accounts generally created by a person or an automated script? Can you know which it is? That's why they have those little "type what you see in the image below" (i.e. tGhPF) boxes on some sites, right?
Think it's a person.

I believe the next version of the forum software (upgrade in a couple of months) will have a stronger registration component like you mentioned.

Brian130 said:
Are the accounts generally created by a person or an automated script? (i.e. tGhPF) boxes on some sites, right?

Generally scripted.
Souce code can differentiale by board type. I get these on my postnuke board all the time.

Spambots have been getting in a little more frequently over the past 24hrs.

I've just turned on banning for all accounts that want to join with and addresses (Russian location). Two of the spam accounts have originated from here and I don't think there are any Russian accounts currently in the VAF Forums.

Does your board software have an antispam plugin? My wordpress site has one and it catches most of the spam that gets posted to my blog. Maybe Dan )_( could carve one up and make a lot of money.

Sure.... I know.
Yep. Adding to the not allowed list will help a LOT!

svanarts said:
Does your board software have an antispam plugin? My wordpress site has one and it catches most of the spam that gets posted to my blog. Maybe Dan )_( could carve one up and make a lot of money.

Sure.... I know.
The cool large red arrow sure points it out. I swear it was not there when I posted that message! Really! Truly! It was an old computer in an FBO! Yeah, that's the ticket! :eek:
Going to Russia next month

Will have withdrawal problems I'm sure but will not be making any posts during the latter part of September. Hope that pleasure is replaced by a great experience.

Bob Axsom
No worries, Bob. You'll be able to post!!! It just filters out people registering a new account with a 'name' email address. Yours will work just fine.

Brian130 said:
That's why they have those little "type what you see in the image below" (i.e. tGhPF) boxes on some sites, right?

That technique is called "captcha". Some clever computer science students have shown that even that can be read by computer. There's no stopping the spammers. If only we could send an electric shock through their keyboard...
Davepar said:
That technique is called "captcha". Some clever computer science students have shown that even that can be read by computer. There's no stopping the spammers. If only we could send an electric shock through their keyboard...

To send a shock just use the $sendvoltage, or if using ASP I believe it is %sendvoltage% command. ;) Very useful!