
Active Member
Looks like Hamilton Motor company released a portable A/C unit that uses a Yeti cooler and "italian racing fans?" did anyone see them and any thoughts on construction? Is it really just the same as previous attempts but with a Yeti cooler? or is it perhaps a higher quality/better solution? cost looks like from 1K to 1.5K.
I saw a few different versions of the same thing at osh, likely this one one of them. Save some money and build your own :)
The thing is, why spend the money for a Yeti for this application? Yeti or styrofoam cheapie cooler, the ice is gonna get used up in a couple of hours anyway. The high performance cooler isn't gonna change that equation very much.
I was really surprised at both the high cost and high weight of the unit. I'm pretty sure YouTube has some videos on how to build one of these from very inexpensive off-the-shelf parts. Personal fabrication and testing is more fun anyway. I used to have a "home grown" version of this swamp cooler in the baggage compartment of a Saratoga. The power had a custom switch on the panel labeled "PMAC" (Poor Man's Air Conditioner). :D