
Well Known Member
Done some searching on this and 99% sure i know what the idea is here but wanted to confirm with you guys

Just about to make the wing walk doubler. I know the plans call for an inch of overhang which i have seen others say is crazy and can cause interference with the flaps. If you cut it to 26 inches you only get about 5/32 over hang which people seem to agree on.

Also i have read several people leaving it 10 inches wide instead of making an annoying cut to 9 3X8
Any reason to make the cut to that dimension or just leave it at 10.

As far as placement goes. The forward edge of the doubler is not suppose to sit on the main spar flange correct? It sits just aft of it so there is still only one layer of skin where it rivets to main spar. I assume for aesthetic reasons and so it matches the height of the other skins.I read in the plans about it but wanted to confirm my interpretation of the Vans Destructions.