Well, another RV-3B builder joins in - I have just finished a RV7 and was contemplating what next and for a number of reasons decided on the RV3. My RV7 was pretty complex and with all the goodies including FADEC, Autopilot, GNS530, full IFR capability, gin and tonic dispenser etc!! Absolutely no need for all that stuff as we can only fly VFR in the UK - but I really enjoyed the challenge.

I have made sure that I have paid VAF for this year! and second priority is to order the plans and empennage from Vans tomorrow morning; probably also need to book a session with the local analyst?!

I am going to be brave and try my hand at a web site for the build, after all I think the only reason I managed the 7 was with the help of Dan C's web site and others, so payback time for all others who might follow me with a 3. I am not going to write huge amounts because what I really appreciated was the myriad of pictures available; so that will comprise the majority of the site. Only it will not be updated all that often as this will be a SLOW build!

Have yet to make any decisions on engine, prop etc, and please expect plenty of questions on this forum from a non matched-hole virgin!

Off to fill in the order form. :)

Mark Castle-Smith
Welcome aboard

Hi Mark, and let me ad my welcome also. When you get your web site up be sure and let us know the url.
I don't think you'll find the lack of prepunching to be a big thing, in fact as previous RV builder I think you'll find the airframe construction will go fairly fast. If you are going with QB wings I'd advise you to get 'em on order NOW, depending on where they are in the cycle it can be up to 9 months.