Gday guys, first time poster here.
Regarding the r-710 to r801pp to r704 holes, the call out is AD426 AD3-4 (CS4-4) optional.
I'm choosing to exercise that option, but the holes were drilled and dimpled for the solids.
Rather than attempting to redrill and dimple in situ, could I substitute MK-319-BS rivets here?
This was suggested by a colleague, what do you think?

Thanks in advance
Using the squeezer is do able

Gday, (first time too)...

I managed to reach all of the rivets with a squeeezer without too much trouble.

Alternatively, it is cheap to get VANs to post out a small number of CS4-4 rivets. If I remember correctly it cost me approx $2.00 for 10 rivets to be posted.
MK 319 BS

Hi Fred

Vans in an RVator article gives authority to use MK 319 BS in place of AN426AD3-3 and 4 solid rivets. In a seperate email Vans said I could use them on the trim tab in place of the CS4-4's. I couldn't find too much about these rivets so after some experiments I found the following:

1. If you know you are going to use these in advance drill/match drill to 7/64" and dimple with a 3/32" die. The die enlarges the 7/64" hole and permits the MK 319 BS to fit.

2. If you DECIDE AFTER you've drilled/match drilled to 3/32" and dimpled with a 3/32" die then drill out with (in order of availability) a 3mm, 1/8" or #30 drill to permit the rivet to fit.

Personally I have no qualms about using these, particularly those out of sight (under the trim tab, flap etc) as it saves a lot of hassle. No doubt the purists will be spitting blood at the very thought!

Hope this helps?

Bob Ellis
RV-8 Fuselage in progress
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The MK-319BS rivet fits a 7/64" hole. Do not set this rivet in a 1/8" hole. That hole is too large.
Thanks for the replies guys, Vans tech support has come back saying much the same thing so as long as the holes aren't reworked too far they will be fine.

Thanks for your reply Ron, I wonder how many of us are out there in Perth? I went outside and tried the squeezer again but no amount of contortion is gonna make it happen without crushing the brace when I squeeze.


Double Welcome!!!

Fred, Ron, welcome to VAF.

Amazing-----two guys from Perth join on the same day!

Good to have both of you aboard.
Have you tried a Longeron Yoke?

Fred, Ron, welcome to VAF.

Amazing-----two guys from Perth join on the same day!

Good to have both of you aboard.

Didn't quite "join" on the same day, but thought it was as good a time as any to jump in. Thanks for the welcome.

Hi Fred,

I found that the Longeron Yoke from Avery did the trick. I have sent you a PM with my contact details, your welcome to give it a try.