
Well Known Member
I just finished riveting the VS rear spar together, and the ribs to the front spar. I have noted in a few builders logs some builders make provisions to run a wire to the top of the vertical stab. What would this be for; I can't figure why you'd want a wire here. Running lights on my airplane will be on the fiberglass rudder fairing. What am I missing? I'm about to close up the stab so it's time to drill wire holes or forever hold my peace....... Thanks

Jim Shannon
VOR antenna

The top of the VS is a traditional place for VOR antennas, although I think a whole lot of RV builders use the ones that are buried in the wingtips.

I installed a "lipstick" video camera in the vert. stab. fiberglass tip of my RV-8. Used #22 aircraft wire for power and a shielded #22 for the video signal.

The video signal can then be recorded on any number recording devices.
I've still got a string running up through a conduit there in case I ever want to pull a wire for a video camera.
