We did the same in our 6A a couple of years ago. Just a morning flight from Salt Lake City, without actually landing at Yellowstone. When you consider how long it takes to drive there, it's just amazing that we can go all the way there and back, for a somewhat "short" scenic ride.. :)

L.Adamson --- RV6A

Incredible pictures! Thanks Doc! My wife said she might fly in my RV if we go somewhere that has scenery like that!
RV Convert

My friend (Dr. Kerith) in the photos had a few flight lessons years ago and had no problems flying most of the flight. I talked to him yesterday, and he was still waxing enthusiastic about the flight. In fact, he said "When I get an RV" in the conversation.

Gotta love it :D

Fantastic pictures

Althought from Georgia, I am familiar with the park, have been there numerious times ( in the winter) and would love to see some more of that from an RV. I plan to be in West Yellowstone in Jan 2011 and hope I don't need to visit you office . I probably will never make the trip in my 9 but those are some fantactic pictures. Please make another run some day.
My wife & I flew to West Yellowstone, from Florida, last August.
We had a terrific time and stayed in the airport campground which included hot showers.The campfires at night with all the other pilots & families was one of the highlights of our trip.
I highly recommend it.
My wife & I flew to West Yellowstone, from Florida, last August.
We had a terrific time and stayed in the airport campground which included hot showers.The campfires at night with all the other pilots & families was one of the highlights of our trip.
I highly recommend it.

I am right there with you. The airport employees and owners as well as the campground were phenomenal. We were there in July and loved every minute of it.
Those are some great pictures. Looks like you guys had a good time.

I've been looking for a place to take my wife for a flying destination type of vacation. Yellowstone would be a great place! I'll have to add it to my list...