
VAF Moderator
Whilst I was at work today the turkeybunny (FedEx guy) delivered my 3B tail kit. I know what I'm going to be doing tomorrow!

Hello Gary. Wellcome to the third dimension.
Here in Menorca perfect weekend weather forecast. Wind and rain. Not flight tentation. Workshop time.


Does this mean I'm being evicted? Won't be any room for my 9A? Looks like my next post will be "Looking for hangar space at FTG"

Have fun, hope to be home in a couple weeks.
R U Kidding me?

Whilst I was at work today the turkeybunny (FedEx guy) delivered my 3B tail kit. I know what I'm going to be doing tomorrow!

But you don't even know how to land a tail wheel airplane!

R U going to build a RV3bA????

I could go on, but I won't......

Have fun with the new project!

That's really neat Gary. I've got the bug too, just trying to figure out what to build. The more I obsess on another plane the more generous Sherri becomes for me to upgrade ours. :D

Not being familier with the 3B, is there a chance of getting one registered as a Lite Sport Class? There have been a couple of 9's that snuck thru and the 3B should be lighter than those.
But you don't even know how to land a tail wheel airplane!

R U going to build a RV3bA????

I could go on, but I won't......

Have fun with the new project!


JimmyB said you volunteered the use of your -6 for the training:D