
Well Known Member
Can anyone give me your experiance with a yaw damper in the RV-10?

Flying with it off in turb and the switching it on...what happens?

Was it worth the money?


Can anyone give me your experiance with a yaw damper in the RV-10?
Flying with it off in turb and the switching it on...what happens?
Was it worth the money?

That's sort of a subjective thing depending on who is in the back seat (where any wag is much more noticeable than the front seat). Lots of 10's have lots of hours with no Y/D and have never given it a 2nd thought, but some who have it swear by it. It's like a lot things with the RV's...very subjective. Spoilers, A/C, rudder trim, etc..

I'd say try to get a ride in one that has it installed if you can, it's the only way to get a 1st hand feel for it and whether it's something you personally may like.

My 2 cents as usual!
