
Well Known Member
One of the best parts about my Aircraft Consulting business (R2 Aviation LLC) I get to do pre-buy inspections and fly very cool airplanes. My dream kit-plane was always the Giles 202. When I built my RV4 it was a compromise as the Giles was out of my price league.
Well this weekend I finally got to not only inspect, but fly a G-202. I wasn't disappointed! Thanks to the owner Scott Francis, I was treated to yanking and banking by myself and him demonstrating part of his stellar airshow routine. The roll rate exceeds the F16, initial G-onset nearly identical. Simply put, I want one! This should be the RV-16...

Casting taboo to the wind as it's not RV-related, still a great airplane!
Scott in the G202 (same airplane)

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I don't think it is really that far off topic Smokey. A good comparison of other airplanes to RV's keeps some perspective.
RV's are good at a lot of things, but great at very few compared to purpose built machines.
I bet you had a blast.
I used to be hangar neighbors with Scott. Kept my RV-4 in his hangar for bit as well. Good guy and nice airplane...

We have the good fortune to have a Giles 202 that flies with our formation group at airshows. Steve "G-man" makes us a little unique and we plan to use his capabilities to a greater extent this year. I think Steve says the roll rate is over 400 deg per second. Huge ailerons! Makes my RV-4 look pathetic in the box...well maybe not pathetic but surely less adequate.

Chris M :)
Extra 230

If you ever get the opportunity, you need to fly an Extra 230. It doesn't roll as fast as the 202, but it goes around corners like it was on rails, and it's far and beyond the best balanced and most intuitive aerobatic plane I've ever flown. Everything feels just right in that plane. It's a real joy.
Giles 202

After performing a pre buy evaluation for some folks in Texas, I took Jim Higgings owner of RV7 n801RH for a quick "spin" in the Giles. We did a few manuevers but Jim wanted to see the famous Giles roll...we started with a 1/4 aileron deflection which amounts preety close to a roll in the RV7 according to jim. (I,ve never rolled and RV7). Thenwe did rools with 1/4 increments until it was time for a full deflection roll....poor Jim! He did pull the barf bag! I think he is a fan of the giles now!