
Well Known Member
Anyone driving an RV with the Superior XP 400? I was curious about the performance of an RV with 220 horses.
Not first hand, but it climbs like a bat outta heck, cruises about like any other angle valve (200HP) and slurps more gas. I'd go for a Lycoming 360 as my first choice because they are more financially stable, and as a second choice I'd go for a IO-390 (if you really need the extra power.)
Get a Barret IO-390

I highly recommend the Barret built AEIO-390. Mine dyno'ed at 212hp. It is built with all Lycoming components and Barret does a lot of "extras" like dynamically balancing the crank shaft. Barret has an outstanding reputation and a fantastic warranty. There are four 390 equipped RV-8's here at my home field and we all love the engine. I'm extremely pleased with the performance. Takeoff and climb performance is spectacular.
Barret is performance

I spoke with Barret at Sun N Fun during a Saturday night function. Even though I was not a customer, he was very informative with great depth of knowledge. He has a strong back ground in performance engines and builds engines for many aerobatic performers and racers. He is also very pleasant and genuine. :cool: