
Hi all,

I've just joined this group as it looks like the in place to be.

I'm in the process of building a RV6A here in Scotland and have bought a XP-360 with the lightweight sump and forward facing injection system. Vans will supply the 200HP RV7 cowl for this and also the M1B FWF kit which is a close(ish) match.

I was wondering of any one else had gone down this route and how they were getting on. I intend to order the finish kit and FWF kit in the next month and would appreciate any feedback.

I have a web site for the project at www.iansrv6.flyer.co.uk and for my sins I also run the rvuk site www.rvuk.flyer.co.uk. I take my hat off to the efforts Doug puts into this site as I know the amount of work that goes into it.

Ian :)
iansrv6 said:
Hi all,

I'm in the process of building a RV6A here in Scotland and have bought a XP-360 with the lightweight sump and forward facing injection system. Vans will supply the 200HP RV7 cowl for this and also the M1B FWF kit which is a close(ish) match.

I was wondering of any one else had gone down this route and how they were getting on. I intend to order the finish kit and FWF kit in the next month and would appreciate any feedback.
Ian :)

I'll be using the XP-IO360 with forward horz FI. Van's supplied me with the scoopless cowl. I haven't received my engine yet but have been monitoring the yahoo XP360 group for specifics. Just tell Van's you'll be using that engine & they'll supply you with the correct finish kit. I've also noticed that Van's has a different exhaust setup for the superior.
Thanks for the replies, I'll keep a watch on the XP site too, I'm about to order the finish kit in the next couple of weeks. I have already had details about what it thought to be required, just wondered if anyone was further down the road and actully fitting or fitted this setup.
