
Well Known Member
Those of you running XM WX on 396 - How long does it take for the WX data to pop up?

I am having 2 issues:

1) My unit often tells me I have no subscription when I boot up and this lasts for 20 min to an hour. A reboot will sometimes get it to come back.

2) Then it will tell me I have the aviator lite and takes another 20 minutes to load WX products. I wish county warnings did me some good b/c they load way before metars, tafs, and nextrad.

Any one else seeing these issues. I fly 1-2 times a week and have done the refresh. I don't think I should have to refresh every flight.

I have 3 bars of audio at all times......Any thoughts?

I'll get a good check on my 396 on the way to AVC/OSH, and let you know what I see. Been so CAVU here lately that I've not seen a radar image on the screen in a while, so I haven't noticed any issues. Will be watching for boomers on the way this week, so will be keen to see current/recent data. Will let ya know when we hook up at the show.

give gamin a call...........

and check your software updates. see what they say. may need an overhaul. all seems to be operating fine. nexrad images usually come up quickly. metars and tafs can take 5 or 10 minutes. you can try switching your antenna and unit with someone elses. this will help trouble shoot your stuff. i had an antenna go bad. don't remember how it reacted when it went bad but testing like i said will help check both your unit and antenna. i did this to verify my antenna was bad. it may have been from the heat on the glare shield. i now cover up my garmin and zaon from the sun. how old is your unit?

now this guy has got some troubles!!!!!!!!!!!!
Agree. Your unit seems to have a problem

I have flown with my -396 on three ~1 hour trips of somewhat "challenging" weather in the last two days and I have been particularly impressed with how accurate and timely the XM Weather has been. The updates have been about 5 minutes apart. Now, I have had experiences where it has taken 12 or more minutes for an update and many times it shows (green) where there is no rain and no green where there is light rain. But, it has been dead on for our weather yesterday and the day before.
possible fix

I tried force loading the latest garmin 396 software on my unit and that seems to have improved my weather woes. I had WX the whole way to Madison and back last weekend, and will check it out on the Milwaukee trip Saturday.

If your WX is flakey, it is worth a shot.