
Well Known Member
How reliable is this service? Have you ever had it fail? I just activated my 396 to XM Weather and it worked fine for 4-5 days, then tonight nothing, "NO SUBSCRIPTION" on the XM page where it used to say "AVIATION".

I called XM and they said this happens from time to time?
Geico266 said:
How reliable is this service? Have you ever had it fail? I just activated my 396 to XM Weather and it worked fine for 4-5 days, then tonight nothing, "NO SUBSCRIPTION" on the XM page where it used to say "AVIATION".

I called XM and they said this happens from time to time?
I was an early adopter and had it happen once then but not since. I thought it had been straighted out.
It happened to me just once a couple of days after I subscribed, but it wasn't in the air - it was in my office, with the antenna only able to see maybe a third of the sky. I figured it lost the bird. I have no idea how the system works, but there is some sort of recognition that is done early in the subscription.

Haven't had a bit of a problem in flight in over six months.

When I called they said it happens from time to time with new subscriptions. They just resent the start up signal and I'm good to go. Pretty amazing stuff.
Geico266 said:
Pretty amazing stuff.

It truly is. I look on my 396 now like an American Express Card. I don't leave home without it. (Land, Sea, or Air)

Have a great time!
I'm up in Canada and we don't have the weather option. I fail to understand why we are always a few years behind the US on these things. :confused:
XM weather in Canada

kevinsky18 said:
I'm up in Canada and we don't have the weather option. I fail to understand why we are always a few years behind the US on these things. :confused:

Kevin.....As I understand it NavCanada wants to be paid for the use of their system (and I am not sure what exactly they would sell) guess what? we don't get XMweather.... :(