
Well Known Member
Maybe they will reduce out fees- maybe not..... :mad:

XM Satellite to introduce personal weather-tracking system for cars

XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc. (XMSR) expects to introduce the first in-car real-time weather tracking service this summer.
The service, which XM developed with Baron Services, will track weather conditions between a car using GPS navigation's location and its final destination and deliver them in real time via satellite.
The Washington, D.C., satellite radio company said the technology will be unveiled at the International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, which runs Jan. 8 to Jan. 11.
XM said it and Baron already offer a similar service for airplanes, boats, and emergency responders.
An XM spokesman was not immediately available to discuss price estimates for the service.
XM's shares recently traded up 53 cents, or 3.7%, at $14.98 after trading as high as $15.75 earlier Wednesday.
The problem is that the service is different for cars, boats and planes. The automobile weather doesn't include aviation-specific information.
mdredmond said:
The problem is that the service is different for cars, boats and planes. The automobile weather doesn't include aviation-specific information.
And I am sure that "aviation-specific information" cost a great deal more to post than the other "non-aviation-specific information". Everyone knows that the "A" word is the most expensive word in the world. :p
Dave Cole said:
Thousands of airplanes...millions of cars.
hmmm, so if we continue on with the logic. Millions of cars because there are millions of drivers demanding them. Millions of drivers demanding cars because the ease to which they can obtain the priviledge (driving, and flying are indeed a priviledge, as discussed in past threads. Do a search on rights of flying to go down that road.) The ease to obtain the priviledge because of less regulation and requirements by governing bodies to operate a car.

If it becomes easier and less restrictive to obtain the priviledge to fly would millions flock to become pilots? Would those millions then drive demand up and prices down for less expensive "A" word "things"?

So are we expounding on the proverbial "chicken and egg" argument? What were to happen if an airplane were sold at some fraction (you pick the fraction) less than they are today? Would that increase the demand for said airplane and therefore move those "thousands" to millions? Does there have to already be throngs of millions of pilots in place for the manufacturers of said "A" word products to bring their purchase prices down?

My appologies. I did not mean to high jack this thread! But I do cringe at the idea that placing the "A" word on something automatically means it cost more money to purchase. I refuse to believe it cost more money to produce when it comes to computer code. Code is code regardless of why it was written?

It is my understanding that the orginal post was to bring up the idea that perhaps we may be able to see a decrease in cost for these products if the company can make their millions on the throngs of purchasers driving cars. I would like to think this could be the case concerning these products. Code is code and in the grand scheme of creating a computerized product it is a relative simple process to change functionality of a product once the code has already been created but something entirely different if it has not been previously created. Therefore, if the driving masses buy into the GPS frenzy and shore up the company's profits I would sure like to see said company adjust their price structure in accordance with the change.

Just my .02 worth.

Live Long and Prosper