
Well Known Member
Yesterday afternoon I made an one hour flight to KLOU (Bowman Field, Louisville, KY). Enroute it had scattered clouds at 5,000 ft. Around 5 pm and 60 NM out, suddenly I saw on my XM weather display a big patch of yellow around Louisville (about 20 NM radius with irregular shaped edge). When I checked METARs of KLOU and KSDF they show sky clear. By the time I arrived, it was indeed clear. When I checked the XM display again, the yellow patch was gone. I wonder whether anyone has experienced similar erroneous XM displays? In the past year I have flown many trips under different weather conditions and have never experienced this kind of error before.

I am using AnyWhere Map/XM on a PDA.
xm weather

Had the same thing happen a couple weeks ago here inthe DFW area.
Put the curser/arrow on the yellow patch, said FLOOD WARNING.

rich said:
Had the same thing happen a couple weeks ago here inthe DFW area.
Put the curser/arrow on the yellow patch, said FLOOD WARNING.

One helluva deep flood, yeah? ;)

OK, I can see the sense in this: namely, don't land here unless you have floats. Still, though, you'd think it would be a more intuitive colour.
DFW and flood warning make sense. Louisville area was dry yesterday! I am still puzzled.