Tom Cornwell

I'm New Here
Why is there such a huge price difference between these two engines? Sorry if this has been covered before, I'm new.
I'm going to build an RV-8.

Experimental IO-360 180HP
Part Number = EA XIO-360-M1B RT
Price = $29700.00
Experimental IO-360 200HP
Part Number = EA XIO-360-A1B6 RT
Price = $40700.00
Angle valve / Parallel Valve

I believe the 200hp is an angle valve motor with counter weighted crank (i.e. heavier motor).

Why is there such a huge price difference between these two engines? Sorry if this has been covered before, I'm new.
I'm going to build an RV-8.

Experimental IO-360 180HP
Part Number = EA XIO-360-M1B RT
Price = $29700.00
Experimental IO-360 200HP
Part Number = EA XIO-360-A1B6 RT
Price = $40700.00
Does the (much) more expensive engine have a higher TBO?
Is it more reliable?
Does the extra horsepower overcome the weight penalty?
Angle valve motor cylinders (200hp) are twice to three times as expensive as the 180hp motors. Don't know why, but its enough to shy me away from the 200s. Same TBO. Both are pretty bullet proof if taken care of and run often. A fair few aerobatic guys like stroked 180 motors cause they're lighter yet they can get something like 210Hp I've heard. At what cost? Reliability, but not a huge hit. 200 motors are a bit harder to fit under typical cowlings, tho not insurmountable. The 180s are an outgrowth of the O-290. The 200 a newish sheet and again unique cylinders, intakes and exhaust. Its my impression that there are many more 150 160 and 180 motors, intakes and exhausts are swapable and that the differences are basically compression related (accessories not withstanding) but I can't remember if thats a truism or not.