
Well Known Member
I bought an Xcom radio late last year so was concerned about getting support for the radio now that Narco has closed its doors. As you may know, three years ago Narco started building the Xcom radio. Below is the response I got from Xcom to my concern:

Hello Phil and thank you for your inquiry regarding the Narco avionics closure and its effect on XCOM Avionics.

It is unfortunate after 65 years in business that Narco Avionics ceased trading in early April 2011.

Fortunately, XCOM Avionics were advised about these difficulties early in the year, very early January if I remember correctly and we have been working with the Narco owner at putting systems in place where it won't affect the XCOM Avionics business whatsoever.

The XCOM Radio has been manufactured in the USA by Narco Avionics for around three years, Narco don't actually do any of the board loading, e.g. putting electronics on the circuit boards because this is done by another US contract company which Narco used. That same company will continue to load XCOM boards exactly the same as they have done for the past three years using all of the components which we supply to them.

Many of the Narco employees are close or overdue for retirement but there are a few there still with a few years left to run and these guys are starting their own business supporting and repairing Narco products currently in use and will also be doing the final assembly and testing/tuning of the XCOM Radio.

Basically it is the same manufacturer and the exact same people putting it together and testing as what has happened for the past several years under the Narco Avionics banner. We don't expect any problems whatsoever because nothing has really changed for XCOM Avionics.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Alan Hanks who is the owner of Narco Avionics for doing such a great job over the past three years that we have been involved with them. It is been a pleasure to have this unique business cooperation and also their friendships. We wish the retiring Narco employees all the best in the future and thank them for their past efforts.

XCOM products will continue to be available in the USA without interruption, they will still be supported locally with our own repair facilities. For XCOM, It is basically business as usual.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions. Many thanks Michael Coates XCOM Avionics