
Well Known Member
Wednesday I had the opportunity to ride along with the developer of the Xavion app and get a first hand demonstration. It was extremely impressive! I would say this is probably the least expensive "insurance" for an airplane of any make or model ($99.99 and no, I'm not on the payroll!). Some of you may be familiar with what this does as it is the software that runs the VP-400 that leads the airplane down to a safe landing on an airport if at all possible. It constantly computes the path, both laterally and vertically, to an airport and provides boxes (highway in the sky) on the synthetic vision display as well as lots of other neat and valuable information. I came home and looked at the website on it, and let me say that seeing it is much more impressive! It runs on iPad 2 or later, iPad mini, and iPhone 4 and later I believe.

Anyway, I just wanted to put out the word in case anyone already flying wants to try a really cool app that is actually a big safety item. And if you want some more info., maybe James Clark will chime in, as he and my husband, Ken, were on the demo. flight as well (yes, Ken has already downloaded it! & James too!!).
A *unique* iphone/ipad app indeed ...

Wednesday I had the opportunity to ride along with the developer of the Xavion app and get a first hand demonstration. It was extremely impressive! I would say this is probably the least expensive "insurance" for an airplane of any make or model ($99.99 and no, I'm not on the payroll!). Some of you may be familiar with what this does as it is the software that runs the VP-400 that leads the airplane down to a safe landing on an airport if at all possible. It constantly computes the path, both laterally and vertically, to an airport and provides boxes (highway in the sky) on the synthetic vision display as well as lots of other neat and valuable information. I came home and looked at the website on it, and let me say that seeing it is much more impressive! It runs on iPad 2 or later, iPad mini, and iPhone 4 and later I believe.

Anyway, I just wanted to put out the word in case anyone already flying wants to try a really cool app that is actually a big safety item. And if you want some more info., maybe James Clark will chime in, as he and my husband, Ken, were on the demo. flight as well (yes, Ken has already downloaded it! & James too!!).

I was going to wait until I had a chance to "fly it" myself, but here goes ..

Disclaimer: I have known Austin Meyer (developer of X-Plane and developer of XAVION) for some number of years as we used to have hangars not far apart here in Columbia.

So .....

I come across info about the iPad app that does a lot of the VP-400 like stuff and being a bit behind about all of its feature, I decide to shoot an email to Austin about it, letting him know I was purchasing a copy and to ask questions and give comments. Instead of just replying to my email he says .."hey, I can give you and a couple of friends a DEMO of it all in my Columbia 400. Wanna do it? .."


So we all meet at the airport and he gives us the debrief on the ground about its features. Won't try to cover all that here and instead more about the flight.

Off we go, heading toward an airport a bit away from the Columbia airspace.
The first thing that I notice is that the visuals make it clear that in THAT airplane with the data that IT had compiled over time, that we could NOT make a turn back to the airport and safely make it for some time. Hmmm.... did I really want to know that?? Well, actually yes. Even though I thought we could not, it showed clearly where we reasonably could get to and not get to.

As we climbed, it further opened up the map part of the display, showing where we could glide to if there was an engine out. Interesting.

Next, as we got a little higher and started turning, it constantly computed a "path" back to KCAE if the engine quit AND constantly updated it. What I mean here is that it would in real time change which runway was the best choice based on our altitude and position. It also showed the turns that would be needed in order to not overshoot. This is COOL! And we are still talking to the tower!!

Then another interesting thing occurred. It went from showing me airports that we could make (KCAE and KCUB) to NONE! Yikes!!! Yes I knew this but it put it right there in my face! :) Austin casually says, yep this lets me know that I should go for a road or field and not try to make the airport and end up hitting buildings!

Alright this app is working hard, but there are apps like AnyWhereMap that has cones of safety to kinda show you where you can glide to. What is different here is that this app has an irregular MAP that it builds in real time. And the map gets bigger as we get higher but is odd shaped as you probably can go further ahead than behind, assuming no wind.

So, we finally get to our real "DEMO" area. Austin slowly throttles back (Turbocharged BIG ENGINE up front) and says, " ... assume we are in the clouds at night and you have NO engine power ... this will help you get safely to the ground...". He presses the EMERGENCY button on the iPad and a highway in the sky is built with a SPECIFIC path to the nearest/most appropriate runway at the nearest/most appropriate airport. With three other pilots in the plane (including one who has a bazillion hours flying Delta Jets Internationally <Melinda>), some of us are looking outside for traffic, some of us are looking at the app on iphone, ipad mini and ipad as he looks EXCLUSIVELY at the highway in the sky and follows the hoops with its outbound turns and circles etc and glides us right down the chute to a perfect setup for landing. NICE!

There are a lot of other features but this is what the app was primarily built to do. An extra bit of "get out jail" when things go wrong.
Austin pointed out (both on website and to us verbally) that this is NOT an app to replace your ForeFlight or WingX or Garmin Pilot or AnyWhereMap etc.
He also has not replaced his EFIS :) (dual G1000, I think in this plane). It is a COMPLEMENT to how you fly today.
And even if you have NONE of the fancy stuff in your plane today, this would be a nice addition as the "highway in the sky (HITS)" can be used to provide guidance from airport A to airport B. Not the main focus but it is there.

So, yes, we were pretty impressed with what is a unique app for the iPhone and iPad.

It is not free and it cost more that a dollar, but if it is called upon ONCE, it will pay for itself 100x.

I saw a blurb about this yesterday and didn't take the time to read it. I was hoping someone here would elaborate about it. Thanks, Melinda, James and Bruce for filling us in on it.

At the rate I'm going on my RV-7, when I get ready to buy avionics, I'll be able to buy 3-axis autopilots and highway-in-the-sky EFIS's at the WalMart vending machines! :eek: But I'm not complaining'.....:rolleyes:
I know what you mean!

The rate of my RV-7 build is also terribly slow... and I wasn't planning on an iPad in the cockpit. Now I'm thinking I'll mount an iPad mini on the right side somewhere because this app is an inexpensive back-up that does more than any I've seen. Even buying the mini and the app is still way less than other back-ups and it will evolve (Austin is working on ADS-B data input for winds aloft, etc.) and all that will be required is an update! I just feel this is a "no-brainer" for my airplane.:)
How well does this app work without an external AHRS? I'm a little hesitant to spend $100 on an app that might not work well without it.
For that matter, suppose you're flying happily along with a mapping program like SkyCharts Pro or WingX or something, and all of a sudden it gets quiet. How long does the program take to start, assuming it hasn't been started yet, and decide what flight path your ought to take?

How well does this app work without an external AHRS? I'm a little hesitant to spend $100 on an app that might not work well without it.

Our flight did NOT include the external AHRS and it worked just fine.
Don't know if it always will under all circumstances but in our case, Austin was able to descend, turn (S-turns and 360 turns) just watching it and get lined up for the runway at a nearby airport.

There is support (coming?? iLevel I think) for an external AHRS.

For that matter, suppose you're flying happily along with a mapping program like SkyCharts Pro or WingX or something, and all of a sudden it gets quiet. How long does the program take to start, assuming it hasn't been started yet, and decide what flight path your ought to take?


AS I recall, he wants it running ALL THE TIME as it is calculating the options in real time. I would not expect it to be stabilized any sooner than a cold booted EFIS that has to get its wits about itself. THEN this app has to calculate where to go and best way to get there. Which **may** not be "nearest" airport.

This is what I recall, so I could be wrong.

For that matter, suppose you're flying happily along with a mapping program like SkyCharts Pro or WingX or something, and all of a sudden it gets quiet. How long does the program take to start, assuming it hasn't been started yet, and decide what flight path your ought to take?
Hopefully we'll be out flying today (my husband just finished the condition inspection on his RV-6) and I'll try to remember to try this and report back. We've been wondering the same thing...
I'm very interested in this app. I will probably go ahead and pull the trigger on it soon.

One of the cool things I saw is that if you have the xplane flight simulator you can interface the xavion app to it at home and "fly" with it on the simulator.

If the runway seeker works as advertised I'm thinking about a provision for a panel mount ipad mini.
"Boots up" in less than 30 seconds

For that matter, suppose you're flying happily along with a mapping program like SkyCharts Pro or WingX or something, and all of a sudden it gets quiet. How long does the program take to start, assuming it hasn't been started yet, and decide what flight path your ought to take?
Hopefully we'll be out flying today (my husband just finished the condition inspection on his RV-6) and I'll try to remember to try this and report back. We've been wondering the same thing...

Okay, we're back from trying this out and it took less than 30 seconds to go from the map on WingX to Xavion showing everything! I think it was in the order of 20 - 25 seconds and we had the path to the nearest airport, HITS info. to it, GPS airspeed and altitude,... in other words it came up to speed quickly. I suppose 25 seconds is a long time if your engine quits, but lets say you were using your map function so you have an idea which way the nearest airport is anyway, so just aim that direction while Xavion comes up on the screen!
Anyone know if you purchase this app on your iPhone can you also use it on your iPad with no additional charge?
Anyone know if you purchase this app on your iPhone can you also use it on your iPad with no additional charge?

Yes, you can use it on both the iPhone and iPad (mini) for no additional charge. I emailed Austin and got the answer.
Is this app significantly better than just relying on my trusty Garmin 296? The nearest airport is one push of a button away, hit Go To and my autopilot will take me there, and the terrain view as well as visual observation (I'm strictly VFR ) will tell me about any mountains in my way. The runway extension lines make it pretty clear which runway to go for. I guess maybe a plus for the app is that it is telling you immediately airports that cannot be made, so you can plan accordingly. But winds can significantly affect that, and the app isn't going to know about current wind conditions. Just trying to think this through...
Is this app significantly better than just relying on my trusty Garmin 296? The nearest airport is one push of a button away, hit Go To and my autopilot will take me there, and the terrain view as well as visual observation (I'm strictly VFR ) will tell me about any mountains in my way. The runway extension lines make it pretty clear which runway to go for. I guess maybe a plus for the app is that it is telling you immediately airports that cannot be made, so you can plan accordingly. But winds can significantly affect that, and the app isn't going to know about current wind conditions. Just trying to think this through...

Sometimes the Nearest is not reachable because of winds. This app continuously figures that out and points you to the one's you can make, or it will tell you if you can't make any and let you start early making your choices.
Thanks for that info Gary, that made me go ahead with the purchase.
I just finished the download on my Ipad and iPhone, one can always be running.
Is this app significantly better than just relying on my trusty Garmin 296? The nearest airport is one push of a button away, hit Go To and my autopilot will take me there, and the terrain view as well as visual observation (I'm strictly VFR ) will tell me about any mountains in my way.

I haven't bought the app, only read about it. My understanding is that the app does take into account your aircraft performance (gliding ability) and terrain, which can be much better than simply "nearest" airport. Also, it's supposed to display a series of gates or hoops to fly through to achieve the runway, valuable if you get caught in IMC. And I think somewhere I read they intend to add forecast winds aloft...not sure of this. I intend to buy it at some point. $100 is cheap insurance, assuming one already has the iPad.
It will only be able to calculate winds if you use something like iLevil with ADSB weather, then it can get real time updates from the air but it will still use your airplane info (if you enter it properly) which the 296 wont do. Running it solely on an iPad or iPhone us still a great backup but as described earlier I believe Austin prefers it to run constantly so it can do "it's job" and that we when needed you can just press the emergency button and follow the HITS. For $99 it's a steal.
Downloading right now

I have time to kill
I have my appendix removed yesterday. As a general surgeon, it's weird to taste to my own medecine. Went really well. Found it at 14h. In the operating room at 16h and at home at 21h.

Can't fly for now so i found this subject on vaf. Dowload the app for the sim and download x plane too. After 20 min on x plane i am now downloading the real app. I may let my friend fly my plane this week and try the app. Can't wait.
"Free" (DEMO) version of Xavion available

Got an email from Austin saying that he has ...

an Xavion DEMO out now called Xavion-SIM, that is free and powered by x-plane (but does not work in the real airplane)

this way, people can get the app for free and test it with x-plane, and then buy the full version if they like it


Just FYI.

Got an email from Austin saying that he has ...

an Xavion DEMO out now called Xavion-SIM, that is free and powered by x-plane (but does not work in the real airplane)

this way, people can get the app for free and test it with x-plane, and then buy the full version if they like it


Just FYI.


Too late for me! Thanks to you and AirMel I have become a proud owner of Xavion. :)) I'll have to take if for a test ride next time I go up. It's on my iPhone. I have iPad version 1, so it will not work on that.
Sim demo version!

Cool. Thanks for the info:

Got an email from Austin saying that he has ...

an Xavion DEMO out now called Xavion-SIM, that is free and powered by x-plane (but does not work in the real airplane)

this way, people can get the app for free and test it with x-plane, and then buy the full version if they like it


Just FYI.

I hace downloaded Xavion app, and tried in my car on my mini ipad and garmin Glo and it seems to work ok, I am redoing my panel so my RV-8 won't be flying at least in a couple of weeks:eek:

Anyone has setup number for the app, I mean start performance number require by Xavion to work properly, I am being lazy here:D
Any recent PIREPs? Getting ready to purchase this. My single screen Skyview system has had a few glitches and I need a different solution for back up instrumentation. This looks pretty good.

Can you elaborate on the glitches, Tony? Or PM if you don't wish to discuss publicly? I'd sure like to know what to watch out for.
Can you elaborate on the glitches, Tony? Or PM if you don't wish to discuss publicly? I'd sure like to know what to watch out for.

First, I love my SkyView and Dynon has done a great job providing support. But..After updating to 7.0 and on a flight over Chicago Class B my SkyView froze. It was unresponsive even the normal power up/down button did not work. I had to reboot by turning off my avionics master. Unfortunately the left me about 5 minutes altogether over O'Hare without a transponder. Other than in IMC, it was the worst possible time for a problem. The same thing happened one more time on my way home (was flying a 900 mile cross country).

Dynon was aware of the problem (called them when I got home) and had already provided a software update 7.01 (or something like that).

Just underscores the necessity for good standby instruments.
Updated wind info

I emailed Austin regarding wind info. My question was wether or not the program took into account wind. The response: "you can enter winds manually
and, if you have an adsb receiver like the sagetech clarity or dual xgps170, then the winds are loaded automatically
as well, if you have a 4g pad or phone, then it will load that stuff before flight from the nearest cell tower as well". I also confirmed that with a cell signal in the air, wind info is auto updated. Very cool.
I began flight tests with mine today...

I have just started to test Xavion on my new retina iPad mini today; playing with the landing guidance system and PFD including a simulated engine out at around 4 thousand feet several miles from the airport... it was a bit creepy flying the hoops but it sure worked out as planned. I need to adjust the glide rates down and do some more testing but I give it an initial thumbs up.

I did some aerobatics and found that the PFD carries a bit of lag and skew that corrects quickly after straight and level.

This shot shows the path, speed, and energy with while riding the hoops.

Stephen, What do you think of the retina iPad mini as far as sunlight readability? Any better than the old mini?

I too would appreciate a PIREP on the sunlight readability of the new retina iPad mini compared to the earlier version. Thanks!
sun comparison will have to wait for more sun...

I don't have the original mini but have had iPads 1, 3, and 4 in the house to compare with. It appears to me to be very adaquate everywhere that I have used it so far and is very similar the full sized models that I have seen... In full sun under the canopy they are all overwhelmed and are poor compared with dedicated aviation units from Garmin and Dynon.

It does appear to be more responsive to the automatic brightness setting... previously I would have to do more brightness level changes so there might be something to uncover... I will post a follow up when the sun shines bright in my canopy ;)
I've been wondering if the $99 was per year or one time. There must be a database involved and how does it get updated?
Xavion Costs

Assume you're asking about the $99 charge for Xavion - it is a one-time charge and you can install on both an Ipad and Iphone for that charge (not sure how many other devices).

They do push updates on occasion, updating the software and making it more robust. However the field database is outdated (still shows a second runway at my home airport (KSOP) where there are now hangers).

Since I've been using Xavion for abut 6 months now, I figured I'd provide more than just answer those two questions. Apologize up front for the long posting to follow - hope it helps with some that may have other Xavion questions/concerns.

Some observations (take them as a humble opinion only!):

- Set-up is a bit of a challenge with Xavion, especially with RVs using self-made POHs and performance/glide computations. But with a little patience it's not that bad.

NOTE: The biggest challenge is inserting the correct glide ratio numbers which are critical to Xavion's proper primary operation. I thoroughly searched the internet looking for RV-7A glide ratios for clean/prop pulled, clean/prop cruise, and dirty (flaps full down)/prop redline per Xavion's requirements but found very little data to use as a starting point. So, after testing and re-testing, best I've come up with is 10 / 7 / 4.5 glide ratios. Xavion assists with computations but it's still not that easy to get them right, and I continue to fine tune when I get the chance. Anyone else have some accurate RV-7A numbers (need all three please), please let me know.

- Xavion needs a GPS signal, so that means either an IPAD/Iphone with GPS or external GPS. Stratus will not work, so if Foreflight/Stratus is your preference, Stratus will have to be turned off or disconnected for Xavion to work.

- Xavion does not run in the background while you use another app like Foreflight. So there is a 20-30'' delay before GPS lock and you get data (longer if Stratus has to be turned off/disconnected)

- The NAV portion is fairly useless right now IMO. Xavion is primarily an emergency airport indicator with glide info. Great situational awareness with just a quick glance assuming it's always up and running.

- The W&B portion of Xavion works fairly well and is simple to use

- Xavion tracks your previous T/O rolls assuming you have Xavion on during T/O, and will let you know if the runway you are entering may not be long enough based on previous T/O rolls. Of course this info relies on an outdated database, but still it's a decent back-up. But again, you must have Xavion on while entering the runway for takeoff.

- Xavion will get WX/traffic either through your IPAD (with WIFI or internet) or through some other external receivers. Since Stratus doesn't work, when I'm using Xavion I have no WX unless I turn on Xavion prior to t/o and leave it running (using the internet).

- Xavion will provide your complete time of flight from T/o to landing (ie logbook). However, as soon as you deselect and go to another app (ie Foreflight) it ends your flight. When you select Xavion again it assumes you've started another sortie. So not useful unless you keep Xavion running full time.

- Pretty decent Notes/scratchpad portion.

- Database is outdated like stated above, so during a real-world emergency using Xavion you'll need to confirm using some other way that the runway you're flying/gliding to is in fact still there and the length hasn't changed significantly. Freqs are also provided, but again those may be outdated.

- Xavion can be used with the XPlane10 simulator, which is great for practicing. I even used it for glide ratio calculations (something to start with) since Xplane has an RV-7. BTW, XPlane can also be tied with Foreflight (and probably others) which is a nice bonus. Yes, XPlane is much harder to fly than the real thing, but you can't beat it if you decide to invest in Xavion.

- Xavion uses about 2.5-3 GB of memory. With Foreflight and maps/plates of several States, some music and pictures, my 16 GB IPhone and iPad quickly filled up. I upgraded to 30 GB and have no problems.

- Xavion uses substantial power to constantly compute glide distance and routes. I found it to use up battery life about as much as watching a movie on the iPhone/Ipad. I plug my iPhone up to my aux power source anytime I'm flying over 30-45 min and running Xavion - over an hour and it will completely drain my fully charged iPhone 5.

Bottomline - Xavion gives good SA to where the closest field is and if you can glide there with just a quick glance. It also provides a decent backup attitude indicator, and the ability to get the airplane down through night/IMC even if you have nothing else, including no engine. Currently I run Xavion on my iphone (velcroed to the panel beside the D100) and Foreflight/Stratus on the Ipad mini. I recommend the $99 investment. But to make Xavion a must have, it really needs to be able to run in the background while you run your primary Nav app (ie Foreflight).Additionally, Status is proprietary with Foreflight only, so no chance Xavion's going to work with Stratus in the future (at least that's what the software developer told me). One caveat - If you have Xplane10 already, it's a must-have.

Hope this helps somebody!

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Obstacle Avoidance

Not much has been said about terrain and obstacle avoidance. Does Xavion have a current database and capability to show safe HITS guidance in mountainous terrain and areas with other obstacles? This is a big deal in my opinion. I'd hate to be following the HITS after an engine out at night and run into a ridge between me and the airport.
It does have terrain database which at least in the NC mountains is helpful (looked accurate when I flew into Boone over Thanksgiving weekend). And according to the website, it has about 97,000 obstacles plotted. However, it is not regularly updated (i.e. - DAFIF/CHUMed). In an emergency it's probably suitable, but for NAV within 3000' AGL it's not. The HITS/NAV is not something I would use Xavion for.
Bob, I just checked out the xavion website and they specifically said that there would not be any android versions until the lawsuits against android app developers are resolved.

Screen Vis

Here is a screen shot over Lake of the Woods on the Canadian side of the border.

Here is a view over the nose of the real world. Lots of water.

If you wear dark non reflective clothing I Pad screen vis is fine. If you wear light or bright color shirt , then you will see your clothing in bright light.

On two cross continent flights through bush country, I did find the HITS and NAV features very useful. If you are arriving at an international airport you can easily insert the IFR final approach fix you expect to get cleared to or that you will request. It makes line up for the localizer a breeze. Not a legal approach but great for SA. I have not had a need for database updates.

I like the self contained GPS and internal gyros. I get great performance with no external feeds of any kind. It would make a great overlay to velcro in place of a failed PFD. Equally as great to velcro over top of a failed AI or DG. Forget Xavion as a knee board. It needs to be vertical and square in front of the pilot.
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I've been giving serious thought to permanently mounting two iPad Mini's dead center on my panel, one running Xavion and the other running Foreflight, and get a Sagetech Clarity XV to feed both. Seems like this would be a lot of bang for the buck. This for a primarily VFR airplane.
I've been giving serious thought to permanently mounting two iPad Mini's dead center on my panel, one running Xavion and the other running Foreflight, and get a Sagetech Clarity XV to feed both. Seems like this would be a lot of bang for the buck. This for a primarily VFR airplane.

I think that is a good idea if you have the real state on your panel and $$$ for two IPAD. I am planning on installing it on both my IPHONE and IPAD, but use the IPHONE for the Xavion as primary. This way I can run both apps that are running 100% of the time.
Note that Foreflight only supports the Stratus devices as an external AHRS. Startus devices also only support Foreflight. They seem to have some sort of exclusive arrangement between themselves. To use the Clarity SV, you'd need to use WingX Pro or some other app that specifically supports it.

With the price of iPads these days, what you propose would be a nice setup to have. Just be aware that iPads to shut down on occasion, especially if they get too hot. don't ever use them as your primary instruments.
something new coming??

I called the Xavion number on the website last night at 9:00pm and Austin picked up the phone. FYI, he is the developer of the X-plane and Xavion. I explained to him how much I love his product but that I had a few concerns. What he told me eased my concerns. My concerns were that three of the airports in Orlando/Disney area didn't exist anymore and that this could be a problem if you hoping for this to possibly save your a.. in the event of an engine failure at night...... Not that this is a primary instrument or that you should even be counting on your Ipad to save your life.(please, no bashing).

I mentioned I have WingX now and pay an annual fee for updates and databases and that I will have to reup next week to keep it active (another 100$) He said that an upgrade is coming very soon (sometime in January he hopes)that will update this database of airports to current. And.... I might be able to have moving vfr maps, IFR approach plates, etc... but eventually, maybe a year away, there would be an annual fee to Xavion to cover the Seattle Avionics package.

This sounds really exciting to be able to have all that foreflight and wingX have along with the safety of Xavion all on one little ipad or iphone package on my panel, as a backup of course.
I also called Xavion to see about the update as I had been hoping to get the App with the new data base. It looks like the new data base update will be based on a purchased plan from Seattle Avionics. It is a bummer that we have to pay multiple times based on which application we are going to use. There is also a hidden cost to this as multiple copy of the DB will require a bigger IPAD (disk space)

It would be certainly be nice to have this as a plug-in to some of the existing apps (Wing-X, Foreflight, etc) so not only we would need only one copy of the DB but also you can bring it up instantly.

I was excited to purchase this app but not any more.
Xavion Update

Since I was investigating this app recently, I thought I'd update the thread just a bit:
-- updates are available from Seattle Avionics; Austin said they were ~$10/month but didn't clarify what was in/excluded
-- he's strongly opposed to switching to Xavion from another app (e.g. FF) when Xavion is needed, despite the short 'boot up' times being mentioned here
-- IMO the best youtube video demo'ing Xavion, for which I didn't see a link in this thread, is
-- there is a second one by him that includes ADS-B inputs and can be found here:
