
Legacy Member
5 years ago I was dreaming about building an RV
4 years ago I was riveting the left fuel tank and leading edge together
3 years ago I was fitting the tail cone together
2 years ago I was fitting the aft top fuselage skin and installing the remote compass bracket
1 year ago I was fitting the static ports and cowling
Today I?m day dreaming about my next flight and scheduling my plane into the paint shop.

Man, that went fast!

Thanks, I needed that.

I'm drilling wing skins and THINKING about forming a leading edge jig.

All good comes in good time.

Flew the -4 today even though it was 28F. Flew downwind at 178kts gs just wide of the tower. 8000 foot runway. Turned base with 90 degree bank, bleed it off to flap speed and dropped on at mid-field for the turn off right by the hangers. These planes rock. Even if my hands were numb. Need to look at the heat muff in April with my condition inspection.
Bill, Cool!

5 years ago I began construction on my shop/garage
4 years ago I completed the garage and bought my emp kit
3 years ago I ordered my wing kit
2 years ago I completed my wings ordered my fuse kit
1 year ago I started my fuse kit and ordered my finish kit

A steady record of progress and completion of milestones is the key to success!

Very inspiring!

:) CJ
January, 1989

January 9, 1989 Red Marron and I said, "Let's do this!".
We called Van the next day.
We've been flying our -6s since May of 1993. Of course we got the "cheap" kits with no holes. Not even lightening holes in the ribs or bulkheads.
No, we had the updated kits. The aluminum was rolled out in nice flat sheets. Of course there was no pretty plastic on them.