
Well Known Member
There was a booth that was selling versions of X-plane flight simulator software at the show (OSH) for $100. Does anyone recall the name of the booth - I now wish I bought a copy while there and would like to see if they would sell me a copy of the Oshkosh show special. It was located near a corner in one of the vendor hangers. They were staffed with folks in black Laminar Research shirts.

Any help would be appreciated.
Since the X-Plane site list's version 8.60 and the global scenery disks for $49.99; what else comes with the deal for $100?

Preview of next release

I think what was added in was a preview of the next version which locked you in to get the next release as an upgrade once it hits the market. It might have had to do with which plane simulations you get and worldwide scenery. I think the RV9A was in the group.