Nice update!

I still have version 10 on my Mac, so probably time to upgrade!

Have you used it? I'm curious on the comparison of flight characteristics from anyone who's used and flown and RV-10.
X-Plane 11 vs X-Plane 12

I purchased X-Plane 12 a couple days ago. The graphics are indeed fantastic compared to previous versions.
However, my computer has frozen and crashed several times while running 12. I have the graphics settings the same as I use them in 11. There are some new settings in 12 that are not in 11, so I am having to tweak those to get the frames per second to work smoothly.
If you get X-Plane 12 now, I would warn you to be ready for some hiccups in operation. Maybe, you will want to wait a few months for them to get the bugs worked out a bit more...
XPlane 12 hardware

Nice to see the RV-10 in XPlane as I am about to build a new computer and one of the main purposes for it will be XPlane usage (along with a bit of programming).

Any hardware experts have suggestions on what graphics card? Thinking of a RTX-3070 or RX6700... will be running two monitors (maybe 3...)
Nice to see the RV-10 in XPlane as I am about to build a new computer and one of the main purposes for it will be XPlane usage (along with a bit of programming).

Any hardware experts have suggestions on what graphics card? Thinking of a RTX-3070 or RX6700... will be running two monitors (maybe 3...)

My experience with X-Plane is that the graphics card matters less than the main CPU. I haven't run X-Plane 12 but X-plane 11 runs just fine on my older GTX1070 with 3 monitors at 2K resolution each. The main CPU needs to be beefy enough to handle the computations for the world that gets translated into graphics.

The AIs for other aircraft and ground traffic are a big load. The weather is another big one. Depending on the aircraft model you're flying there can be a large scripting load.

Again, X-Plane 12 might be a different story, but that's my experience with XP 10 and 11.
They moved more calculation to the GPU on 12, but I still can run it just fine with my setup which is not too high end. Also remember this release is kind of a beta version (or even less than that) it it will take a good amount of time for laminar to polish it.

Any hardware experts have suggestions on what graphics card? Thinking of a RTX-3070 or RX6700... will be running two monitors (maybe 3...)

The longer you wait to buy it the better. Prices have finally starting dropping on the current gen cards, and next gen ones are pending (possibly even end of this month). The RTX 3070 is a two year old card now, after all.
Hardware for XP11 and XP12

Nice to see the RV-10 in XPlane as I am about to build a new computer and one of the main purposes for it will be XPlane usage (along with a bit of programming).

Any hardware experts have suggestions on what graphics card? Thinking of a RTX-3070 or RX6700... will be running two monitors (maybe 3...)

Very bad experience w/ both XP11 and XP12 using maxed out 2018 and 2021 Macbook Pros FYI. Frame rate ok w/ 2021 MBP but UI interaction w/ glass panel controls somewhere between bad and unusable in all tests done.

On the Windows side, RTX-3080 TI is a coveted part for its price/performance. I think you could go Intel or AMD on the CPU. Probably want a liquid cooler if the budget allows.
Not Playing

I purchased the XP-12 upgrade as soon as it came out. On my iMac I've never been able to successfully complete a flight. The computer locks up and eventually crashes. I can't even force quit the app.
XP-11 works flawlessly on the computer. So, I've shelved 12 and use 11. When they announce an update, I open 12, accomplish the update and then shut it down. After rebooting the computer, with no other applications running I open XP-12 and try a flight. To date, I've not had a successful mission accomplishment.
Mac Mini M1 16GB

XP11 runs fine on my stock M1 with 16GB of memory. I haven't bought XP12 yet but the demo ran fine on my M1. I don't use it for anything but instrument practice, so I'm sure I'm not maxing out the CPU or GPU in the M1. If I were using it as a video game, I'd get one of the newer faster Apple Silicon Macs. My 1st gen M1 handles XP so much better than either my Intel or AMD CPUs, even with an additional graphics card.

It will also run on my 8GB M1 MacBook, but I never put it through its paces, so I don't know if it will overheat.
Hey Tom, Can you send me the spec on the Mac you used with V12 demo? Perhaps a clip of the "About This Mac"? flysrv10 at gmail. Thanks you!
XP12 on Mac mini

Mac Mini
M1, 2020
16 GB
Ventura 13.1
32” 3840 x 2160 display

Frame rate between 25 and 30 with most sliders set at Medium, flying day VFR in the RV-10 using the autopilot.

I’d need more horsepower if I wanted everything on its highest quality. Suits my needs just fine and the box only costs about 1 AMU.