
Well Known Member
Just wondering if anyone has installed a WX-500 stormscope in an RV7? If so where did you mount the antenna and did it work well? I'm a bit concerned about noise from the tail strobe / autopilot servo.

Also, Does anyone have an installation manual they could provide me with the basic pinout and wiring to the antenna / GNS 430W?


I did put a WX-500 in my RV-6, and it worked wonderfully. It was down on the belly 3 bulkheads past the baggage bulkhead. I had it feeding the Chelotns. I don't think it will work with the 430, as it needs a stabilized heading feed TO it, and the 430 does not put out a heading.

Richard, I have a WX-500 connected to my GNS430. I am sure that I have the pin-outs and wiring diagrams at home. I will check later today and send you another message. Email me directly at [email protected] and I will reply with the attachment.
Thanks Vic and Rick,

I have been able to locate the installation manual so I now understand a bit more about the requirements.

The location you mention Vic was where I was originally considering. I will try there and see how things go, although it is probably not optimum in terms of distance from the tail strobe - it is about as good as we can do in the RV.

The other option would be on the upper fuselage forward of the fin. This would probably be a good spot for me as all my antennas are on the belly and I could run the antenna wire clear of the existing wiring in the tail. Somehow I just can't bring myself to put such a big antenna on the top side though.

The jury is out as to if the 430W can provide the heading. I have an AFS 3500 connected to the 430W so assuming AFS make heading available to the 430W and the 430W can output that on the serial line to the WX-500 it may well work.

I'll report my progress when I know.


I did put a WX-500 in my RV-6, and it worked wonderfully. It was down on the belly 3 bulkheads past the baggage bulkhead. I had it feeding the Chelotns. I don't think it will work with the 430, as it needs a stabilized heading feed TO it, and the 430 does not put out a heading.


Cheltons? Did you take them out too?

How silly of me. I am getting my airplanes mixed up. Sorry about that. It was the last RV-10 I was speaking about. But I originally had it in the RV-6 in the location I mentioned connected to a Sandel. Mark can reply if I had a tail strobe. I think I may have had the strobes on the wing tips with the nav lights. Anyway, it worked fine in that location.

In wings

How silly of me. I am getting my airplanes mixed up. Sorry about that. It was the last RV-10 I was speaking about. But I originally had it in the RV-6 in the location I mentioned connected to a Sandel. Mark can reply if I had a tail strobe. I think I may have had the strobes on the wing tips with the nav lights. Anyway, it worked fine in that location.


No strobes in the tail in Vic's old -6. They are in the wing tips.

If the GNS 430W is given heading information in from the EFIS then the GNS 430W will send the heading information to the WX 500 stormscope on the RS 232 connection. The GNS 430W requires heading information to show the stormscope information on the moving map page otherwise the stormscope information will only be show on the dedicated stormscope page in the NAV group.
It Works

Thanks Tim,

I did the install on the weekend. The AFS 3500 + ARINC does feed heading to the WX-500 correctly, so the unit is fully functional.

I have installed the antenna on the belly, just forward of the HS. I looked at an install on a C182 and noted they installed just off centreline in order to make the antenna base more rigid, so that is what I did. The control box is mounted horizontally in the first bulkhead behind the baggage compartment cover and well clear of the elevator push rod. I did not skin map the aircraft due to the difficulties and costs of having that done here in Australia.

At the moment I have some interference from the Whelen tail strobe (even though the antenna is over 5ft clear of the strobe and power supplies as specified in the installation manual. I need to check if the interference is coming from the electrical system, antenna cable or the globe itself.

Also, my rear Nav light is grounded to the tail, rather than running back to the ground block on the firewall. I noted when I switched the nav lights on and off that a strike or two was detected. I believe this is due to the WX-500 antenna being located in the ground return path. I will move the ground wire location forward of the control box and I am sure that will cure it.

Hope this is helpful to someone.


Hi folks;

I'm building a RV7A with a G3X GDU 460 touch.

I plan to install also a WX-500 Stormscope.

I believe there isn't yet support to integrate WX-500 with the G3X touch.

I think GTN 750 / 650 are both too much expensive to be mostly used as interface for the stormscope.

So I am looking for alternative solutions and suggestions.

Is there any cost effective solution from Garmin or other for interfacing with WX500 ?

Another thing... Does anyone knows a nice - color slave display - for WX500

If so please provide display's names or links for princing info...

Many thanks in advance.
G3X Touch Adds Lightning Detection Support

Hi folks;

I'm building a RV7A with a G3X GDU 460 touch.

I plan to install also a WX-500 Stormscope.

I believe there isn't yet support to integrate WX-500 with the G3X touch.

Many thanks in advance.

Hello Alexandre,

The latest version of G3X Touch software for the GDU 4XX includes support for this lightning detector.

Thank you for choosing G3X Touch for your RV-7A!

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That is VERY GOOD news Matt!

Is there anywhere a list of new functions and improvements for this new software release?

Many many thanks!
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Hello g3xpert!
I got WX-500 stormscope connected to my GDU 460 via rs-232.
It is connected in accordance with the G3X installation manual (I tried RS-232 port 1 and port 3 on two different a/c with GDU 460 and WX-500)
Got fault 20, antenna position error.
WX-500 antenna is mounted on the top of the aircraft. WX-500 is configured for TOP antenna position by a jumper. Jumper is installed on J3-3 (antenna TOP position), grounded to J2-19. Ground cable as short as possible. I changed grounding to J2 pins 6,7,8,18,19,20 and 21.
The WX-500 manual says I now need to check the settings with my MFD and change them, but there is no such settings in the G3X.
When I disconnect the jumper there is no fault at all, everything works good.
Of course, I turned off all the power before and after each configuration change.
How can this problem be solved?
I know this is dredging up an old thread, but does anyone have (or have a link to) the WX-500 installation manual? I'd like to add the capability to install one easily and pull wires for it ahead of time, and plan a location for the antenna.

Thanks! in Melborne FL is currently supporting the WX-500. Manual can be downloaded from their site.

Thanks for replying, Terry! The only reference I found on their web site was via a google search that brought up a press release about them buying the stormscope product line from L3Harris. I can't seem to find any other reference to the product there. Am I missing something?

I'm sending them an e-mail to see if they can supply a manual.

Edited to add that I found their technical data site, but it requires a username and password to log in--I've e-mailed them about how to get access.
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A follow-up to this thread:

I did finally manage to find an online copy of the WX-500 installation manual, Revision E.

In it, it is mentioned that the WX-500 may be able to be connected to two displays via RS-232, tying the RS-232 RX lines in both displays to the TX lines in the WX-500 processor, but leaving one of the displays disconnected from the RX lines on the WX-500 (in other words, the WX-500 can send to both displays but only one display can talk back to the WX-500).

For people who have done this with the G3X Touch system, do you know if this works? Is it necessary, i.e., will the GDUs share WX-500 data between each other without connecting both directly to the WX-500?

If you have done this, do you have the MFD or the PFD GDU set up to talk to the WX-500? Does the GDU send magnetic heading or ground track to the WX-500?

The manual also states that connecting directly to the aircraft's heading source is preferred but I'm not sure that's possible with a G3X--the G3X installation manual, Rev AP shows only an RS-232 connection, which I assume provides either heading or ground track to the WX-500 processor.
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