
Well Known Member
If you have never used , or have not been there lately, you need to take a look. It is a great tool for VFR flight planning. It contains digital copies of all the US sectionals on a Google Maps interface. I have been told that the way the maps are stitched together to scroll seamlessly is real technology coup! Many other tools are there and it gets better all the time.

This site is done by "one of us" an RV builder/driver and a heck of a nice guy - Dave Parsons.

Check it out - I really think you will like it.

I hope Dave will chime in to toot his own horn a bit.
Hi Pete

Don't know if I am doing something wrong, but I just looks like a plain Google map. I don't see any controls except move the map with the mouse and clicking to zoom in. Don't know how to zoom back out. Don't see sectional information.

Yes runwayfinder is awesome. That and Weathermeister are my primary VFR planning tools.
RWF Controls

Hi Kent,

There should be buttons in the upper right hand corner that say map -satellite - terrain - chart. These can be used to change the map type.

Clicking will zoom you in as will rolling a scroll wheel on a mouse - control on the upper left will control zoom as well.

Lots of other cool features, too. Let us know if you can't see the controls I describe.
I think that I have been having network problems.

Hi Kent,

There should be buttons in the upper right hand corner that say map -satellite - terrain - chart. These can be used to change the map type.

Clicking will zoom you in as will rolling a scroll wheel on a mouse - control on the upper left will control zoom as well.

Lots of other cool features, too. Let us know if you can't see the controls I describe.

I am now getting the charts. I have a set of controls in the upper left corner of the map for scale and movement of the center. I also have a row of controls above the make with "About, News, help, update, clear, settings, legend, show link".

I guess I'll try help and see what happens.

Thanks, Kent
Total Distance

You can get total distance for a plan by clicking on the the black "bubble" that shows up midpoint of a segment - it will give leg distance as well.