I was lucky enough to get the third copy of the new WW 300 series constant speed Propeller.

It's a 72' three blade with a much more compact hub. All up weight is 37 lbs, so around 7 lbs less than the 200RV. I have a happy 9 yrs and 1000 hrs on my 200RV.

Initial findings:
Climb is dramatically better, my meter always pegs but light on gas and single seat it takes around a minute to go from my field at 300 feet to 3300 feet setting the speed at around 100 knots. It is quieter, more of a difference than I was expecting.

I have a lot of hours on the 200RV for comparison and after I get above 3000 AGL my typical cruise climb set up for a trip is to have the autopilot maintain 500 ft/min and generally I get 150 knots *true* up to 11,500 ft. With the 300 series I'm getting around 156.

Cruise appears to be almost the same, maybe a few knots faster but I haven't done any trips yet to get a solid idea. I do an econo cruise at 160 knots and 6.5 GPH around 11k usually.

Spinner installation is also easier too.

I'm running it on a XP-360 with dual lightspeed IIs

Pictures at the end.

Bill Judge
N84WJ, RV-8, 1400 hrs



Thanks for posting......good stuff.
What blade is it? 74RV or HRT74? or another? maybe a scaled down HRT?
Great news on being even lighter than the 200RV.
One has to wonder how they can add a third blade and lower the weight? Any pics of the newer hub?
Lead times?
I have 250 hours on the 3 blade WW150C. I have the old style wide blades, and love the prop. Solo with half tanks, 90kts, I am climbing at 3300 fpm. Cruise is 165kts true, 7.6gph at 10.5k, wot, 2450 rpms. The coolest thing is abeam the numbers at 170 knots, pull power, start a 180 towards runway, slow down, get down and make first turn off every time. Oh, and it looks great just sitting there ��
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