
Well Known Member
I am building an RV-8 with flop tubes, fuel injection, and a Christen system and hope to do recreational aerobatics, including extended inverted flight and slow rolls, etc. I am using a Superior IO-360 M1 engine. My previous experience with Christen Inverted Oil Systems indicates that there is a momentary slight decrease in oil pressure when making the transition to or from inverted flight. Will this cause my WW 200RV propeller rpm to run away or is the decrease in oil pressure slight enough/short enough to not cause a problem? I know that WW makes a propeller specifically for aerobatics that increases pitch with lowering of oil pressure. I am interested, however, in using the 200 RV. Do any of you have flight experience with these components and/or advice? I would be grateful for feedback.

Dan Miller
RV-8 N3TU. Engine installation