
Well Known Member
Hello All,

I have ordered my 14A Finishing Kit. I am on hold with the build until it arrives. Does anyone have a kit on hand or upcoming delivery that they will not be working on in the next 12 to 14 month that would be willing to swap finishing kits? Build will be in NJ.

[email protected]
A little off topic but I just finished my rv14-a after three years and will be moving to KBLM in a month or so. Waiting on hangar space. Are you building on the field? Chris. Pm me if you want to get together
Also off topic

I'm also in NJ in Morristown and nearing the end of the Fuselage sections. Either of you interested in stopping by to review my build? First time builder and would love your insights if willing!
Rich Project

Hello Rich, maybe we can both come visit you at some point soon. We are both located down near KBLM...
are you working on your build at the airport or at your home? Just wondering because a trip to the airport might be easier than a car ride.