
Active Member
Considering upgrade my Plasma III.

- Looking for mini sensor or hall effect.
- What else LS parts do you have ?
I would not consider the Hall Effect module an upgrade to any LSE system.
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I've installed 4 LSE systems on 4 homebuilts; the first two were with the LSE Hall Effect modules. Repeated failures (mostly mechanical, but the CB/connector interface is "electrical") caused me to get rid of the Hall Effect Modules and use either the older direct crank trigger or the newer Mini - sensor. I'm a big fan of Klaus' LSE system, but would not/will not fly with the Hall Effect mag hole module. I had maybe ~ 5,000 hours aggregate on the 4 systems. The only failures besides the Hall modules were a coil that became intermittent when hot, and 35-40 years ago when Klaus was supplying RG-58 instead of RG-400...the conductor eventually migrated through the foam and shorted to the foil shield.

The new mini-sensor works very well, and I haven't heard of any failures that weren't installation related.
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