I certainly agree with the point made that modernization of ATC should be a high priority. The only question is the best way to finance that modernization.
I certainly agree with the point made that modernization of ATC should be a high priority. The only question is the best way to finance that modernization.

I do think modernization can make sense - but, exactly what problems will be eliminated when we do this?

I've seen numerous examples of large and medium sized companies "modernize" their internal MRP and other system software, only to bring on more nightmares than they solve.

Again, the main point is that pilots (who tend to be the main users of the ATC system:p) seem to think that it is a shortage of runways that is the problem, not "airspace and ATC".

Privatizing ATC would be a little like having the trucking firms (no offense to that essential industry) run the highways. I think we can see where that would go.
I'm opposed to privatization, but as a frequent user of our national airspace and ATC, I know there are a lot of inefficiencies that would be improved by technology-- the technology we are using to maintain separation and spacing today is pretty much unchanged since the 50's.