Extremely educational

Good tip about knowing ahead of time which side the VASI is (suppposed to be) on.
Winds at LVK normally favor landing to the west, but this day they were landing to the east. Runway 7L is 6000?, and has a parallel taxiway to its left (north). Runway 7R is much shorter, and its threshold is about 2000? further east than is 7L?s threshold. Overheard on tower frequency:
Tower: Cessna 123, cleared touch and go, runway 7 right.
C123: 7 right, cleared touch and go.
Tower: Cessna 123, you just did a touch and go on 7 left, you were instructed 7 right.
C123: No we didn?t! We were cleared 7 right!!
Tower: C123, turn left, left base. (Pause). Now turn left, left downwind. (Pause) C123, look out your window. What?s painted on the runway?
C123: It says seven...uh,...uh,..left. How can that be??
Tower: Cleared to land, full stop. Taxi over to the tower.
Interesting the way they put that, 'wrong surface landings', never heard of it put that way, usually wrong Rwy? Still surprised at how many do it?
Their terminology includes taxiway landings. I did a study on airport surface incidents some time back, and there's a fair number of taxiway landings, not just wrong runway.