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Well Known Member
I just solo'd my RV-12 that I am learning to fly in, today. I'm based out of KWHP.

Took it for my first spin without an instructor around, the whole one airport only take off and landings, 25 mile radius student thing.

Made a very nice landing today, wish they were all like this, and parked the plane in the hangar. Was sitting in my car at the airport when I heard the most horrendous 3 crashing booms in my life, and saw smoke and flames coming up, just on the other side of runway 12.

Found this on the news...

Was more curious, as I landed not even an hour before this incident.

Found this on the net for FlightAware, and I can't make heads or tails of the flight log raw data.... KWHP has a lot of wedding cake airspace around it for class C K BUR. I don't get how the pilot lost 6500 ft in less than 5 minutes?

Thoughts from arm chair pilots what went wrong? Cessna C182

Kind of has me freaked out this happens at the airport I am based at, an hour after my first solo.
No need to speculate, not our place here. The facts will come out soon enough and we can all learn another lesson.

Maybe this was well timed for you to sit back and reflect on the serious nature of our "hobby"... One of the funnest things to do in life and one of the more dangerous.

We've likely all had or will have one of these experiences. Gather up an move on.

Prayers for the family of those involved.
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