
Active Member
After painting the interior of my cockpit I noticed some places that didn't cover very well. I'm using a rattle can enamel from Ace hardware and the directions say to recoat within 2 hours or wait 5 days. It was 3 weeks before I got back to it and gave the area a quick wipe with acetone and sprayed it, most of it covered well but in some spots the paint wrinkled.

Anybody have any tips on preparing the the surface to be recoated?

Don't understand why it wrinkled in just some small areas.

Thanks for any help.

It sounds like something caused the paint to lift. Either the acetone or solvent in the new paint. Just sand out the wrinkles & repaint.

Unless the surface was dirty or something there is no reason to wipe the surface with acetone before a second coat if it is done before the two hours or after the 5 days.
Almost certainly the acetone

If this primer can be dissolved by acetone, and I believe most rattle can primers can, then that's the culprit. If your primer is dissolved by acetone, then you should never use acetone on it, unless your intention is to fully remove that primer.

If you have to clean cured primer, whether to re-coat or for any other reason, make sure to use a cleaning agent that doesn't dissolve that primer. The manufacturer of the primer should have some recommendations.