
Active Member
Have a question that I posted but got no replies about on the RV7 forum.
Have been around, worked on and inspected aircraft years back that were both painted and unpainted how can you inspect them for loose rivets and cracks? Have seen pictures posted on here of skin cracks and rivet problems.

Just asking as once wrapped one cannot see either item they do look great. Also there was a problem with corrosion noted under some wrap that had been removed according to another thread.

Thanks for reading Boyd in Chiloquin.
You could maybe look up member Ralph Inkster and ask him. He just wrapped a 7 that he's been repairing after a hangar fell on it. It looks great, you really have to look close to see that it isn't paint. I asked Ralph about the impact on inspection and service, but he didn't seem concerned about it. I've seen numerous helicopters with wraps, and nothing is more service/inspection intensive than helis. For the price, you could probably peel it all off for an inspection every few years. I'm certainly considering it after seeing Ralph's
There’s probably not a wrapped AB airplane with enough time to develop corrosion but here’s my thoughts in random order.

The airlines put vinyl on their jets do they not?

I have one flush screw that I suspect is slightly loose where the vinyl has identified it by cracking all the way around the screw.

The vinyl is very tight allowing little room for moisture to collect and is very tight. Remember, this new vinyl goes on dry, unlike former products. I think I could see an imperfection (corrosion) below it.

Our airplanes spend a lot of time in hangars. Things might be different if exposed to the elements every day.

If in doubt, peel some off, have a look, replace. Try that with paint.

Not perfect but still better than paint in my opinion. 2.5 years and 165 hrs.


Nice looking job. What parts did you paint? Was matching the paint color to the film any problem?
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I have ordered samples from Fellers.com and will most likely order from them. They have a location nearby and I will be taking my painted spinner there to see if they can match the color.
On another note for whoever has already wrapped.......did you use Tinnerman washers under any exposed screws so they don't spin the vinyl when installed? Thinking about the wing tips but sure there are other spots on the plane as well.
I have ordered samples from Fellers.com and will most likely order from them. They have a location nearby and I will be taking my painted spinner there to see if they can match the color.
On another note for whoever has already wrapped.......did you use Tinnerman washers under any exposed screws so they don't spin the vinyl when installed? Thinking about the wing tips but sure there are other spots on the plane as well.

I used https://www.metrorestyling.com

I had the paint shop match my yellow vinyl. Turned out well.

And yes to tinnerman washers over all the vinyl
Not saying that there is anything wrong with putting vinyl directly onto aluminium but your first argument does not count for much as I am pretty confident that all airlines have at least sealing primer and probably also paint under the vinyl.

My current plan is to paint my ac white all over and then add some color with wrapping. :)

This might be the best of both worlds. Still could do that some day I don?t want polished...
Not saying that there is anything wrong with putting vinyl directly onto aluminium but your first argument does not count for much as I am pretty confident that all airlines have at least sealing primer and probably also paint under the vinyl.

My current plan is to paint my ac white all over and then add some color with wrapping. :)

My point was if the airlines are using it in the jets, how are they inspecting below the vinyl? And you don’t see it peeling off at their speeds.

Putting vinyl over paint is theoretically better for corrosion control (it changes nothing) but on our size airplanes, by painting first you lose much of the advantages namely less weight, less costs, less chemicals, less labor.

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The airlines put vinyl on their jets do they not?

Not that I am aware of.
You tube is full of videos of refinishing / painting large air-carrier aircraft. All that I have ever seen are fully done with paint using stencils.

My opinion is that vinyl wouldn't hold up very will in that harsh environment and being exposed outside nearly 100% of the time.
There are more robust, specialized vinyl materials that I think the jets would be using, not your 1080 or equivalent versions which we (& automotive) wrappers use.
As for application, I decided to protect the aluminum with a light primer coat overall, & most definitely in areas where the vinyl is bridging a gap. The primer could be as simple as a rattle can application, pick your primer based on porosity and check adhesion quality as vinyl doesn?t stick to some brands.
Ok all thanks very much for your input had to ask as used to also paint light AC for a living at one time. Used lots of paint stripper and plastic scrapers was so much fun it burns any exposed skin so nice.
Oh yes and the RVs you people own and make like works of art are a sight to behold when seen on the ground. Again thanks for the input to an old flyer. Only got one ride in an RV, was at Prosser WA in the 6 the fellow uses for check rides. Boyd in Chiloquin under the RV highway.