
I'm New Here
Okay gents,
I have gone through the directory and contacted the ones whom are local to me around KPBI and LKNA with no luck... If anyone would like to give a new builder a "Discovery Flight" per say I would love it very very much. I'm starting the build on a RV8 empennage kit and am dieing to take a ride in what will be my baby in the near future. I will obviously cover my 50% allowed cost contribution. And I'm able to drive to distant airports if need be! Prefer a 8 but an 8a would be fine also. I'm not picky.

Phone me @ 5613897052 or pm me if need be.
Pretty please!
Thankyou all in advance!
Billy O'Bryan III
no 6 or 7? ok, good luck with your search. wish i was there. i could give you a nice ride in a 6. :)
welcome to VAF in FLORIDA. get working so you can fly with us.

Welcome to the good ship VAF. Someone closer to West Palm Beach will chime in. I'm sure you will find your ride. Congrats on starting your -8. It's a great machine.

Like Turbo said, a ride in a -6 could be arranged. :D

In case you didn't know, a group of RVers meet Weds mornings at Sebring for breakfast. Search "Sebring" for some trip write-ups. Here are a few to wet your whistle.
Billy, the RV's all have similar flying qualities.

A ride with Ed in his 6 will light y our fire, guaranteed!

The 7A is a mighty fine flying machine as is the 6 which I checked out in just last month getting acquainted with tail wheel operation.

Good luck with your 8 build, it is a mighty fine airplane (for those wanting to sit on the center line of the action).

That being said, I know about young guys feeling their oats in a fine airplane. Do be careful when you begin flying the 8. I do not refer to any of these machines as a favorite feminine, I refer to them as the beast. They can and will kill you if you are not in control of the effects of wild oats.
Omg yes Rhino- Let me know a date and time and I'll shoot out there with the quickness. I live off Forest hill and jog rd. I would LOVE a ride.
Thanks so much! Only take me thirty mins or so to get there.
F45 is agreat airport. I love the okeechobee area. I fly the lake route whenever I can.
Turbo- I'm not unwelcome to a ride in any other rv as I haven't experienced any time in one. The 7 is what the spouse wants me to build. But I have already started my 8 so it's 6 to 1 and 1/2 dozen to the other. 😉 I will most likely still catch a ride in a 6 or 7 to compare styles.

David- Will do! I'm a cautious respectful pilot. Thanks for the wisdom! Great analogy, Ialwats tell my friends to respect the wing around them.

Thanks to all for the kind words!