I've flown through there several times over the past couple of weeks. It's definitely GPS-required flying!

I will say this: The controllers working that sector have been excellent about helping us VFR guys through there. They really go out of their way to suggest direct-to points that will avoid, or suggest altitudes above (except POTUS, of course). Anyone know how to send a thankyou letter to those guys?

Between all the fires in Northern California now and the President in town, pretty much shut down my flying for the day!

What your link didn't show is the TFR for the President in the north bay. He is landing at Travis Air Force Base.

Pretty much covers most airports from north bay to Sacramento and north to Shasta when it overlaps the one for him landing in Redding.

He leaves later tonight so at least the Security TFR's for the President will be gone. Definately don't want to bust a presidential TFR!!!!

We'll still have to deal with the fire fighting ones.

Houston too.....

Looks like POTUS is clobbering Houston tomorow - guess he's dropping in to see his Mom and Dad?

No flying tomorrow after work I guess ...:(
Then it looks like he is on to our neck of the woods at "the ranch" later... Popped up on the GRT XM display while we were drilling holes in the sky this evening.