
Well Known Member
As some of you know, I have spent the last 11 years building my Dream, a grass strip out in the country in Central Florida. So the ones of you that have landed there may be best to comment.

I have been approached by a company that wants to construct a 250', free standing, no guide wire, Cell phone tower on the corner of the 45 acres.

The Negative: 500' off to the left of the start of 04 and 500' off to the right, at the end of 20, would be this little piece of metal sticking up above the oaks.

The Positive: $20,000 per year of income!

I would have to give up on Loooonnnng term lease a 100'x100' fenced area that they maintain. I can still build structures within the "Fall Area" and it doesn't change my agricultural status in that area.

The Real question:

Would you feel comfortable landing or taking off that close to a structure. It is right at 500' to the edge of my runway?

Does anyone know of any other runways, grass or paved, that have an obstruction that close?

Would make it easier to locate if you haven't been to the Willies yet!

BTW, all ya'll RV'rs are welcome to come land anytime and bring your tents. I have a porta potty on site and a Free flowing Artesian Well that is 600' deep. Turbo and Gary Plinkas have been there many times.

For $20K a year I would make it work. Thats a nice chunk of change to cover lots of avgas, and fun times. Just my 2 cents.
Sounds like a great way to subsidize an expensive hobby :D
I land at airports all the time that have trees - not sure i would consider this any different.
I think I would probably accept that in your shoes, yes. The income will go a long way toward upkeep of the field.
Unless you're doing ndb approaches into the place, I would definitely do it. It sounds like a strictly vfr operation, and 20k a year is a lot of money. See and avoid�� The only thing I would be concerned with is a lot of electromagnetic radiation.
Ps- I was a special forces radio operator,and we were trained to use our radio for interrogation purposes. Water boarding would be a day at the beach compared to what my HF radio could do��
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Will it be lit? Can you ask them to mark it with something visible like a red sphere of some kind?
I assume that $20,000/yr is guaranteed until such a time as they remove the tower. I would also get an estimate on what it would cost to have it removed in case they go out of business and refuse to move it. Have them give you that amount up front as a deposit. Also, consider what that huge structure does to the resale value of your property.
You might also include language in the lease that absolves you of all liability for damages caused by an aircraft strike, since they are knowingly placing the tower in close proximity to an existing runway. Make them carry a $1M umbrella policy that protects you in that event.
If not there, where? Location, location, location. What if they make this same offer to your neighbors and they place the tower in a location that impedes ingress/egress to your runway? There goes your dream. Just saying.
500 feet off centerline? No problem. My private airport has a few dangerous structures a LOT closer than that.
Just do it!

I fly off a grass strip 3000 x 80. There is a cell tower in about the same proximity you suggest yours would be. It's on the downwind to our RW27. I know it's there, and it's no issue. Absolutely no issue. Where can I find this company and offer to lease them space?
My concern would if you had an engine out and needed to get back to your strip. I've got a few big rocks blocking ATV traffic while I was building and had visitors coming from all directions. Now that things are growing back in and visitors are using the road I made, I plan on removing those big rocks as someone might just about make it back to the strip if it were not for those rocks.
I assume that $20,000/yr is guaranteed until such a time as they remove the tower. I would also get an estimate on what it would cost to have it removed in case they go out of business and refuse to move it. Have them give you that amount up front as a deposit. Also, consider what that huge structure does to the resale value of your property.

You might also include language in the lease that absolves you of all liability for damages caused by an aircraft strike, since they are knowingly placing the tower in close proximity to an existing runway. Make them carry a $1M umbrella policy that protects you in that event.

I agree with both of these comments!

You want them or whomever buys the tower if it is unused for X amount of time. You also want them to indemnify you should someone hit their tower.

They knew your strip was there before they approached you, so make them pay. I would also check with your insurance company and AOPA and see what they have to say.

$20K would be hard to give up. If that is their first offer, raise it to $50K and then work down from there.
I would also negotiate the price up. They did not approach you by chance, there will have been a lengthy assessment process go into selecting the site.

But my big concern would be the cost of removal when they are finished with it, they would not be the first big company to just walk away from structure. Sure a cell tower is a lot easier to remove than a huge wind turbine, but never the less there is a cost associated with it.

Good luck
The Negative: 500' off to the left of the start of 04 and 500' off to the right, at the end of 20, would be this little piece of metal sticking up above the oaks.

04 and 20 are not reciprocal.

Is there a bend in the middle of the runway? (or is the earths magnetic field different at opposite ends of your property?:p)

The reason I ask is that a bend could make the tower more of a hazard in a go-around if one or the other final approach's are aimed at the tower.
If not, it would be acceptable to me on a personal use runway.
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The good part is that any area that could impede my runway, on either end, are considered wetlands. I have the only little piece that's high and dry in that area.

And if an engine out, I have 1000 acres of sod field that surround me.

I'm comfortable having it there and so far I haven't heard any one say that it Would scare them away.

They pay 1000 per month base rent and then 250.00 per month, per carrier, that they add on. Up to five carriers. They already have three lined up whenever tower is erected. I'm leaning towards that new panel if I can hide this tower from my wife.
Also consider what type of equipment they will use for the project and ask yourself how could that equipment be used to improve aspects of your property. Then negotiate that in the deal. For example, years ago the county approached me wanting to widen the road going by the farm. I said OK as long as they built up and improved the long gravel driveway to my pole barn. They said fine as long as they could do it during their "off" season. I suggest you think outside the box on some things they might do for you as long as they have all their equipment there. Maybe even some improvements to the airstrip?
Good catch Scott. I wondered who would be first to ask about that.

52FA. Name on chart is Bent Willies

Yes, strip has a really fun little bend to the left, just like its owner.
FAA wouldn't put 04-20 so they have tried to straighten me out with 03-21 on the charts
Do your research

No doubt there would be an injurious effect to the value of your adjacent land, that they do not build the tower on. - which you should be paid for.

Others have mentioned abandonment and clean up considerations.

I might find out what other towers this and other companies have erected and go and talk to those land owners to see what arrangements they have made.

There might be online examples of what is to be considered.

Good luck keeping the funds off the radar at home:D
What about fake tree?

When one company came to our community once to offer to do the same, we asked and they agreed to make it look like a pine tree. They could also hang a huge US flag too. No harm in asking them. I think you are fortunate to have that income tool available. Obstructions exist so many places out there, including trees right on the extended runway lines at so many airports. Do it.
Do you live on the property, or expect to develop it for home/hangar sites? After the safety/liability issues are dealt with, will you be able to site your house so the bedroom windows don't face anywhere near the tower? A friend had a home on some rural land, and a cell tower went up about a mile away. It lit up his whole house every time the strobe fired.

I'd have to agree that it would be very hard for me to turn down that kind of money, if I could live with all the other issues.

Set up a meeting "now" with a lawyer who has experience with cell tower leases. Negotiate with the tower company, reach an agreement for the cell site "on your property". If you turn them down, they'll simply go across the fence and make the agreement with your neighbor. The tower will be planted in the neighborhood regardless, and it might as well be you reaping the benefit. Don't be a fool, that's good money for a tower lease. Must be several antennas planned for that tower.
500 feet is pretty far away from the runway. I have landed at fields that have homes and hangars closer than that.

Some fly in communities the hangars are about 100 feet from the runway.
I don't know diddly about cell towers, but around our neck of the woods the wind energy companies are required by contract to put money in escrow for generator and tower removal if and when that time comes. I'd ask about that.

Some things to think about: Is this a perpetual open ended lease or does it have a defined term? Will they pay for an attorney to review the contract for you? Consider taking the agreement to an attorney and make sure there is a clause in it concerning environmental and hazmat issues.

Personally, I'd likely jump on this deal and wouldn't be too concerned with the insurance. If you are worried about it, consider using a piece of the income pie to buy your own. I might try and negotiate the price upwards a bit but not much. As was alluded to previously, you are likely not their only option, just their preferred option. I have a little experience with similar situations in oil & gas leases. I've scared a few off by getting too greedy and regretted it. As they say, a bird in the hand...

Worth what you paid for it,

We have a water tower next to our grass runway here where I live. It is easy to find the airport, just look for the water tower...
Thanks to all for your responses!

I remembered I have a friend who has a friend in the Tower business in Mississippi. I am forwarding the Contract I was sent to him now and his Team will be looking it over for me. Where my house will be situated will not let the tower ever be seen. I have a lot of really big Canopied Oaks on the property so you will only be able to see the tower once you are airborne or if you walk up next to it.

Offer still stands for anyone who wants to brave the Willie! really wide and 2100 feet long. Just a little bent.
Set up a meeting "now" with a lawyer who has experience with cell tower leases. Negotiate with the tower company, reach an agreement for the cell site "on your property". If you turn them down, they'll simply go across the fence and make the agreement with your neighbor. The tower will be planted in the neighborhood regardless, and it might as well be you reaping the benefit. Don't be a fool, that's good money for a tower lease. Must be several antennas planned for that tower.

Well, it would be somewhere nearby, but it probably wouldn't be that close. As long as the runway is officially in the FAA database, it can have a significant effect on tower placement (might not stop it, but likely would). Several years ago, one was proposed near our strip here in MS, ~2.5 mi away and directly in line with the runway heading. Several of us who live on the runway went to the 'town meeting' & questioned the wisdom of placing it there. Don't know if we were the direct cause, but the tower wasn't built there.

I'd agree that having some control over 'the devil' is better than no control. :)

I used to build towers in the late 90's and worked closely with the Site Acquisition guys. These lease terms are very negotiable. The SA guys have done their homework on where they need this tower and you are in the driver's seat here. I would counter and counter high. The networks need your location (bad) based on the 20K figure. I'd counter another 10K and bump the rate up on any additional carriers that would lease space on the monopole/tower.
